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NCM Conservative (By icmfund)
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NCM Conservative Discussion
Aug 31, 2020 at 21:19
Member Since Oct 22, 2012
51 posts
lepp posted:
I am also a satisfied subscriber so I was thinking to share my account.
I started about 5 months ago with double ratio as the master. So far the account growth is significant, with very little drawdown. I am more than happy with it.
What I really like is that the trades are opened for a short time and mostly there are no trades opened. This makes easier to withdraw the money.
I was following other strategy that was in constant drawdown so you could not withdraw when you wanted. But that is not the case here.
If you want to see your balance really grow it's important to let profit compound instead of withdrawing it all. If you want to lock in some profit that's understandable though I'd suggest withdrawing 50% of profits each month and let the other 50% grow..
..the alien does not concern itself with the opinions of humans..
Sep 16, 2020 at 13:53
Member Since Apr 07, 2016
53 posts
@drayzen Probably we will reduce the initial positions when there will be higher volatility just like in March due to COVID. Also, we have a habit of not to trade in the last 2 weeks of the year, I think this year it is the best we can do.
No pain no gain
Member Since Apr 11, 2014
2 posts
Sep 23, 2020 at 12:10
Member Since Apr 11, 2014
2 posts
Subscription disabled
Courage is the beginning of action, but Fortune is the arbiter of the goal.“ Democritus of Abdera (c. 460 – c. 370 B.C.) "Mut steht am Anfang des Handelns, Glueck am Ende." Demokrit, griechischer Philosoph (ca. 460 – 370 v. Chr.) “Смелость стоит в начале действия, счастье в конце.” Демокрит, грецкий Философ (ок. 460 до н. э., Абдеры — ок. 370 до н. э.)
Member Since Apr 11, 2014
2 posts
Sep 27, 2020 at 15:31
Member Since Apr 11, 2014
2 posts
gabramov posted:EuroMaster posted:
Subscription disabled
Signalstart? Subscribed there months ago, but was disabled a few months ago. NCM website works
Yes, Signalstart.
Aha, okay, Thank you.
Courage is the beginning of action, but Fortune is the arbiter of the goal.“ Democritus of Abdera (c. 460 – c. 370 B.C.) "Mut steht am Anfang des Handelns, Glueck am Ende." Demokrit, griechischer Philosoph (ca. 460 – 370 v. Chr.) “Смелость стоит в начале действия, счастье в конце.” Демокрит, грецкий Философ (ок. 460 до н. э., Абдеры — ок. 370 до н. э.)
Sep 29, 2020 at 00:17
(edited Sep 29, 2020 at 00:18)
Member Since Sep 11, 2020
1 posts
alex_pushililn posted:
Much better, more stable and lower risk with drawdown
Profitable and easy to use Expert Advisor
Both have large drawdowns (up to 100 pips) before price goes back favorable and then closing it at little lose or some profit. But slkfintecea has more of that occurrences. Imagine if price never comes back.
Member Since Jun 10, 2020
35 posts
Oct 25, 2020 at 09:30
Member Since Apr 07, 2016
53 posts
The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. We will skip trading on the election day and carefully analyze market movements in the coming days. If the situation requires we will decrease our risk or skip another trading day to secure our clients' capital against dangerous market movements.
No pain no gain
Oct 25, 2020 at 22:16
Member Since Apr 08, 2015
68 posts
icmfund posted:
The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. We will skip trading on the election day and carefully analyze market movements in the coming days. If the situation requires we will decrease our risk or skip another trading day to secure our clients' capital against dangerous market movements.
reasonable decision, Alex.
it could take few days to get final election result...
Oct 28, 2020 at 12:06
Member Since Apr 07, 2016
53 posts
@stefano66 We suspended trading on several accounts yesterday because we had an issue with currency conversions on some accounts that use a different currency than the master account. Every affected accounts' owners received an email this morning. Please check your inbox. Trading will resume today.
No pain no gain
Member Since Jul 20, 2019
338 posts
Oct 29, 2020 at 12:10
Member Since Jul 20, 2019
338 posts
ikkoku posted:
Hello NCM,
only one eaasy question... There are no issues with the system, or problems for you if an account change regulation from "ICM Australia" to "ICM Europe". Correct?
Thanks for the answer.
You should stay away from ICM: https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/community/threads/ic-markets.59108/page-14
patience is the key
Oct 30, 2020 at 03:19
(edited Oct 30, 2020 at 03:21)
Member Since Jun 26, 2018
19 posts
marco_mmbiz posted:ikkoku posted:
Hello NCM,
only one eaasy question... There are no issues with the system, or problems for you if an account change regulation from "ICM Australia" to "ICM Europe". Correct?
Thanks for the answer.
You should stay away from ICM: https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/community/threads/ic-markets.59108/page-14
Yes, they do not have permission to sell financial product in Europe but now looks they have the registration under Cyprus authorities... Like other brokers... https://www.cysec.gov.cy/en-GB/entities/investment-firms/cypriot/80418/
IC Markets (EU) LTD, Trading as IC Markets (EU), regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission with Licence No 362/18, or
Raw Trading Ltd, trading as IC Markets (SC), regulated by the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles with Securities Dealer Licence number: SD018, or
Keep trading with International Capital Markets Pty Ltd, Trading as IC Markets (AU), regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission with Australian financial services licence No. 335692
Mobilis in Mobile
Member Since Jul 20, 2019
338 posts
Oct 30, 2020 at 10:13
Member Since Jul 20, 2019
338 posts
So, all the European claims will now go to Cysec, and ICM will be blocked again over there aswell. They just can't run from one to another regulator, just to hold back huge profits that traders made on their platform. ;-)
patience is the key

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