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Pievienoja lietotājs
Aug 16, 2019 at 09:38
A solid broker. Been testing them for a while and can happily say trading conditions offered are supreme like tight spreads, minimal slippage. Definitely a one to consider for scalping.
Investing in Forex
Jul 26, 2018 at 10:23
Investing in Forex is a tricky business.. as all the fellow traders mentioned earlier it's not all about analyzing charts and markets, it also needs emotional intelligence which controls the feelings of greed and fear.. inculcate rational decision making in the trader.. discipline and practice and sticking to the strategy that gives you consistent results.
Forex is profitable ?
Jul 26, 2018 at 10:22
yes for those who know what they are doing, forex can be profitable. it all depends on your trading strategy and consistency. flipping the switch frequently will never let you make constant gains.
Technical Trading or Fundamental Trading?
Jul 26, 2018 at 10:22
i like to trade on technicals supported by the major fundamentals happening in the market.
Pieredzējuši treideri
Dec 06, 2016 at 12:47
EUR/USD is seen flirting around 1.0800 , which is also acting as an immediate resistance for the pair. Euro’s rebound partly reflected the fact that markets were expecting a “no” vote in the Italy referendum. A fresh bout of short covering also helped pair to upsurge over 200 pips from session’s low. Attention is now paid to ECB meeting due on Thursday for further clarity in pair’s direction.
How to keep organized trading forex?
Jauni treideri
Dec 01, 2016 at 12:44
Well I feel the easiest and obvious ways to organize your forex trading is to maintain a special trading journal. Looking into the journal regularly and setting up alerts can actually improve your trading results too. You can maintain a trade journal in the form of excel or a log book. However many trading
The wind is changing
Dec 01, 2016 at 12:44
EURUSD is range bound since there are a lot of uncertainties going on over Euro zone political stability. Moreover Italy referendum is also lined up and a rejection for proposed constitutional reforms can unleash confidence in the euro zone economy, which definitely can take euro down from its consolidation range. Right now, investors are just being sidelined, refrained to put any major positions before the major events. the recent short term rebound is just due to value buying in Euro and profit booking in USD and indeed if NFP comes better than expected it can test its psychological level of...
Market Makers and ECN: The Points of Difference
Jauni treideri
Nov 09, 2016 at 07:45
I agree. This post will give a better understanding about market makers and ECN brokers. In my opinion market makers or the dealing desk brokers are the one who earns money from the bid/ask difference as well as when the client looses a trade as they trade against their clients by hedgingwhereas an ECN broker doesn’t have any dealing desk and are not making money from bid/ask. They charge a minimal commission for arranging a marketplace for all the parties who then interact within the system and get the best offers for the trades available at that time.
Do you prefer fixed spreads or dynamic spreads?
Jauni treideri
Oct 27, 2016 at 12:51
In my view, variable spreads are better than fixed spreads. The reason being is the trading cost. For example, normally in case of variable spread, a commission (like around $4 per $100k) is charged to you and the average spread tends to remain around 0.3 or 0.5 pips so the total trading cost tends to remain below 1 pip (while it also depends on broker to broker, if you are going for ECN or STP account and what commission they are charging). While, in case of fixed spread, in normal market conditions the trading cost remains generally higher at 2 pips. If you go for variable spreads, during th...
Can i save my performance when changing accounts
Oct 27, 2016 at 08:57
As such there is no option using which you can transfer your performance from your previous mt4 to new mt4 account with another broker. There is just one thing you can do, you can save your performance or account history and show that statement only.
Robotic Trading VS Manual Trading
Jauni treideri
Oct 26, 2016 at 07:16
I believe Traders should not stick solely to robotic or manual trading and can chose hybrid platforms as well. You can use EA’s and modern technology to enhance your profits in Forex trading but if the situation demands for thinking and emotions, ,manual trading can be fruitful.
How can I obtain my MT4 Investor Password from my Broker?
Oct 21, 2016 at 13:22
You can simply ask it from your broker, just mail them and they will provide it to you, I also faced this issue once and I asked my broker to reset my investor, they did it and mailed me
Jauni treideri
Oct 19, 2016 at 08:57
I am having positive view on EURGBP, recently it has strengthened a lot so there could be some correction but overall trend remain positive and in next few months I am expecting a target of 1
How to build a good trading strategy?
Oct 18, 2016 at 06:34
A good trading strategy is the portfolio of various strategies known and applied in different situations. Knowing how to adapt and apply the strategies to all the market conditions is one of the key requirements to build a good trading strategy.
hedge forex positions with no loss
Oct 13, 2016 at 11:41
It is possible to create a hedge positions in different currency pairs but one has to match the notional amount of the buy side position with the sell side position. However, sometime hedging could be risky also when spread widens due to market volatility. Take the example of recent GBP flash crash, the spread widened a lot and I have seen many of fellows’ account getting burned due to that.
How to Be an Expert in Forex Trading: Some Tips
Oct 10, 2016 at 14:39
Forex market is the largest financial market and due to its high liquidity, everyone gets fascinated to make money in this market. But making money n this market is not so easy. To be an expert in forex market one has to follow some steps such as:-Gain sufficient knowledge- try to understand every single aspect of forex market.Clear your goal - Make up your mind whether you want to trade for a hobby or you want to be a professional trader.Accept reality- Always have Realistic expectations regarding profit earning and accept reality that making profit will require patience and time.Understan...
Jauni treideri
Oct 07, 2016 at 08:11
i agree that your point is also valid but sometimes, it becomes difficult to test your strategies with small account in live account because sometimes strategy itself can open multiple positions depending uopn volatility in the market. one does not need to have 100$ demo account, you can have a demo account with the customized amount which you want to have in live account and test your strategy accordingly
Is demo trading enough before real account?
Jauni treideri
Oct 06, 2016 at 07:24
Demo trading is enough if you have learnt about the trading platforms, developed your trading skills, have knowledge of how to trade, how to use technical indicators, candle stick trading, fundamental analysis. Trading in real money is different from demo trading. Emotions are different and loss will be real. If you think you are confident, can control your emotions, and prepared for the loss also, then surely you can go for a live account. But start with a low amount so that once you develop your own trading strategy and getting returns then you can go for a higher amount.
Jauni treideri
Oct 05, 2016 at 06:45
hi all, in my view its just sell on rally
Are you loosing money in forex?
Jauni treideri
Sep 29, 2016 at 12:56
When you are in the game of probabilities, loosing is expected. Everyone at some point of time lose money in forex. Forex is a risky business and loosing is the part of the risk. It’s just that even if you fail, don not blow up. Get back on the floor and trade again with a more dedicated approach. Trade what you see, not what you think!
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