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Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Oct 20, 2015 at 08:18
Great post @LogicaLucidity , I couldn't agree more. People buy ea's or sign up to signal services, pass all responsibility on to the providers and expect the Holy Grail - this is a cop out. Whether you run ea's or use a service like VORTEX, position sizing and risk management is your responsibility. That said, the performance of Vortex hasn't been quite as advertised - since July there have been 3 big losses which have wiped out all the gains in the last 4 months. That's almost as much as in the previous three years. Buyer beware, past performance is not a guarantee of futu...
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Oct 11, 2015 at 06:00
With hindsight I would not buy into this marketing hype system again - the biggest drawdown [loss] I've had on any account since buying this was with Vortex; and Vortex trades haven't yet made up that loss 😭
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Oct 11, 2015 at 05:59
@frenchtrader7 I think you're being a bit too charitable here - you've paid good money to get a trade copy service and you're getting short changed. Check out my results for the last week with the EURUSD using another system I have on a different account to the one with VORTEX. I agree FOREX is not a casino, it's a business and at the moment this sytem is not delivering as promised - that's bad business!!
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Sep 12, 2015 at 11:29
Maybe because these traders have paid for a system and don't want to share for free - why do peeps think they're entitled to get something for nothing . . . . unbelievable :P
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Sep 06, 2015 at 10:58
- everyone knows that fairies don't have tails 😁- they're little pixies with gossamer wings that live in the woods at the bottom of the garden 🙄
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Sep 06, 2015 at 10:56
@Trade4me you should take time work on yourself and not fire shots at people who are doing quite well at trading fx with robots and copier services; you are correct that Keltner Pro has been in a bit of a rough spot at the moment, but all your trading is your responsibility - don't try and blame someone else and least of all don't blame an ea robot !! NO!! @FXtrader2010 is quite right - it's you that opens your platform, you turn on the ea, you have full control, take resposibility; if your losses are too big take a smaller trade size - Vortex Pro stop loss is at 110 pips, so if yo...
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Aug 13, 2015 at 06:26
No VPS, trade with FXCN (AUS)
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Aug 12, 2015 at 06:10
hi Javien,I had a 1.2 amd 1.3 slippage today; that was the most I've had to datebut only been signed up for ten trades.Does anyone know Doug's strategy? So far he seems to be buying at the tops and selling at the bottom; each time a sma cross would have been more profitable? Just be nice to know exactly what's in the black box.Trade Well
Forex Contest GDMFX August 2015
Aug 10, 2015 at 12:56
read the rules 😄Contest RulesThe Contest is sponsored by Global Derivative Capital Markets NZ Limited, hereinafter referred to as GDMFX and the Company.· The contest starts on August 20th, 08:00 GMT until September 20th 08:00 GMT 2015.· Registration for the Contest ends on August 20th, 08:00 GMT.· Registration for this Contest / and/ or entry in the Contest constitutes your agreement to these Rules and you will not be eligible for the prize unless you agree to these Rules.
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Aug 10, 2015 at 12:53
The naivety of some people surprises me too . . . and your point is ? 😁
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Aug 09, 2015 at 06:42
With regards to FCA regulated brokers in the UK you might like to look at this link http://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/041515/top-10-forex-brokers-regulated-uk.aspGood trading 😎
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Aug 09, 2015 at 06:30
Thanks Edward, I use FXCM (Australia) - the commissions are high 😲no VPS yet but you can get a free VPS hosting at FXCM with a larger account size 😄you can check out my progress in myfxbook @ xBot_VORTEXCheers
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Aug 08, 2015 at 09:46
I'm also getting same returns or slightly better on most trades, but only been since 27 Jul. No significant loss, in 4 trades (that I didn't manually intervene) the pip difference was 0.3 0.1 0.7 in my favour and one at -0.1 against.Hope this helps? Cheers
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Aug 02, 2015 at 06:19
Great post @TradeNew ; I've just started using this EA and like what I'm seeing so far even though I was unfortunate enough to start just as it had a big drawdown - a look back through the account records seems to bear that this does not happen often. I agree with those who say that risk management and trade size are critical to success.Just a thought for those on this forum who have suggestions to 'improve' this bot; has anyone asked Doug about this?I'm a noob, but I thought this trade copier is only for EURUSD/GBPUSD; has anyone found it works on other pairs?
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