Review Score
Customer service
Live Spreads


Minimum deposit ($)
Accepting US clients?
Swap free accounts
Segregated accounts
Interest on margin
Managed accounts
Accounts for money managers (MAM, PAMM)
One click trading
OCO orders
Trading over the phone
Hedging allowed
Trailing stops
Mobile trading
Scalping allowed
Demo Accounts
Web based trading
Minimum lot size
Maximum lot size
Broker type
Maximal leverage (1:?)
+44 (0) 207 680 7300
+44 (0)207 680 7301
Phone, Chat, Email, FAX
The Loom, Office 2.5 14 Gower's Walk London E1 8PY United Kingdom
FCA (UK), SCB (The Bahamas), CONSOB (Italy), CMVM (Portugal), CVM Bacen (Brazil)
Trading Platforms
MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, TradingView, ActivTrader
Funding/Withdrawal methods
Wire Transfer, Credit Card, Debit Card, Neteller, Skrill, Netbanx
Account Currency
English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hungarian, Dutch, Bulgarian
United Kingdom
International offices
The Bahamas, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom
Trading platform(s) timezone
(GMT +1:00 hour) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
Other trading instruments
Stocks, Indices, Commodities, CFDs
ActivTrades User Reviews
ActivTrades User Reviews
Member Since Jan 14, 2023   1 posts
Jan 14, 2023 at 14:37
Due to recent changes in the design of the company's website, I cannot find information.
About half a year ago I planned to study additional tools and other helpful information provided by the broker. But now I can't find anything.
I will have to ask the support service for help because these features are worth finding!
Member Since Jan 13, 2023   1 posts
Jan 13, 2023 at 14:49
Wagner_S posted:
Ich habe keine große Erfahrung im Handel, und eigentlich habe ich auch nicht viel Erfahrung mit diesem Unternehmen. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass es sehr viele Features, Funktionen und Add-ons bietet. Sie sind meiner Meinung nach recht nützlich... Trotzdem habe ich noch einige Fragen, die mich sehr beschäftigen, und ich möchte keine Zeit mit der Suche nach einer Lösung verbringen. Es ist viel einfacher für mich, hier zu fragen :D
Sagen die Auszeichnungen, die der Broker erhalten hat, viel über seine Glaubwürdigkeit aus?

In diesem besonderen Fall - ja. ActivTrades hat viel Mühe in seine Software gesteckt und ist sehr loyal gegenüber seinen Kunden
Member Since Jan 12, 2023   1 posts
Jan 12, 2023 at 14:49
Ich habe mir den Makler genauer angesehen. Er hat mich sehr interessiert. Die Handelskonditionen scheinen sehr attraktiv zu sein, insbesondere der kommissionsfreie Handel. Ich kann auf der Website keine Informationen über das Mindestdepot finden. Können Sie mir das sagen?
Member Since Jan 10, 2023   1 posts
Jan 10, 2023 at 14:48
Wenn Sie sich für diesen Broker interessieren, kann ich sagen, dass es hier nichts Beängstigendes gibt. Ich habe ihn vor langer Zeit getestet und bin überzeugt, dass ich mich auf ihn verlassen kann. Auf der anderen Seite, wenn es Ihnen an Erfahrung und entsprechenden Fähigkeiten fehlt, können Sie kaum von irgendeinem Broker profitieren.
Member Since Jan 09, 2023   1 posts
Jan 09, 2023 at 15:08
ManuelRad posted:
I always wondered why the company did a lot to create such a good learning center and actually I have some quetsions concerning it, for example, wha makes these materials exceptionlly essential?
Activtrades learning materials themselves are not so valuable. There are mostly tutorials and manuals on how to handle the trading platforms that the broker provides to its traders.
However, the possibility to submit for live webinars that are held by the broker’s experts. That is completely another thing in terms of value to the development of you as a trader.

It is very essential indeed. and it is unique at the same time. Because there are very few brokers out there that offer such opportunities.
Member Since Oct 17, 2018   1 posts
Jan 05, 2023 at 01:49
Nice, netting makes it the best one
Member Since Jan 04, 2023   1 posts
Jan 04, 2023 at 16:39
how often you guys use smart tools?
I actually tryna use 'em daily. ofc, not all of them are acceptable for my personalized trading strategy, but still, they contribute a lot.
traders, pay more attention to them!
Member Since Dec 30, 2022   1 posts
Dec 30, 2022 at 14:41
Disappointing is not a word that I would associate with this broker but impressive isn't it too. Activtrades is good in many ways but I fail to see the mindblowing feature that can revolutionize my trading. The feature that came close was the pivot points that the broker has but it simply isn't enough. However, I hand it to the broker for such a professional service overall. Good but could be great.
Member Since Dec 28, 2022   1 posts
Dec 28, 2022 at 09:29
That is a legit broker. Evrything is nice: fine conditions, spread sizes, stable trading platform, impressive amount of tradable assets and a friendly support service that helps me a lot many times. Great place for traders with different background.
Member Since Dec 27, 2022   1 posts
Dec 27, 2022 at 16:49
ActivTrades redesigned its website?! Nonsense!
Gotta tell about it to my friends...
Anyway, I bet trading conditions here were also improved.
So, the question is what are the changes actually guys?
Member Since Dec 17, 2022   1 posts
Dec 17, 2022 at 18:05
Those spreads at Activtrades are so cool to trade with! Compared to my last broker it's like a sky and earth.
Considering that you don’t have to pay extra commission for these competitive spreads, I think I might stay with the broker for a long time.
Member Since Dec 17, 2022   1 posts
Dec 17, 2022 at 16:53
I always wondered why the company did a lot to create such a good learning center and actually I have some quetsions concerning it, for example, wha makes these materials exceptionlly essential?
Member Since Dec 13, 2022   1 posts
Dec 13, 2022 at 08:44
I’d rather recommend you this broker rather than talk you not to join it. It’s really good for intraday traders. Of course, it’s true only for professional traders who know how to benefit from tight spreads and no commission. This advantage is not for everyone. On the other hand, if you are just starting out you may not like their minimum depo. It’s relatively high, although you might not agree with it.
Member Since Dec 08, 2022   1 posts
Dec 08, 2022 at 08:54
Wagner_S posted:
Ich habe keine große Erfahrung im Handel, und eigentlich habe ich auch nicht viel Erfahrung mit diesem Unternehmen. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass es sehr viele Features, Funktionen und Add-ons bietet. Sie sind meiner Meinung nach recht nützlich... Trotzdem habe ich noch einige Fragen, die mich sehr beschäftigen, und ich möchte keine Zeit mit der Suche nach einer Lösung verbringen. Es ist viel einfacher für mich, hier zu fragen :D
Sagen die Auszeichnungen, die der Broker erhalten hat, viel über seine Glaubwürdigkeit aus?
Nun, in der Forex-Branche gibt es zu viele Auszeichnungen, so dass man nicht wirklich weiß, welche Auszeichnung verlässlich ist und welche nur dazu dient, ein Häkchen in die Box zu setzen.
Wichtiger ist, dass activtrades die Unterstützung verschiedener glaubwürdiger Vorschriften erhalten hat. Das sagt uns mit Sicherheit etwas über die hohe Glaubwürdigkeit des Unternehmens.
Member Since Dec 05, 2022   1 posts
Dec 05, 2022 at 16:37
Daern posted:
I can't state fo sure that I adore services of this company, however indeed there is something unique that might impress traders. It's tough to impress me, as I am a true market oldie.
I like this company continues developing. Recently noticed some changes in conditions, or maybe I just didn't pay attention to them before, idk.
As also an old timer who spent a lot of his time here on this platform, I can tell you that they are always on track to better their trading conditions, lower their spreads and provide upgrades to trading platforms they offer, developing a new custom indicator, bolstering the customer service etc. They just do not stop at all. I especially like how their forex spreads stack up against other brokers around the block.
Member Since Dec 01, 2022   1 posts
Dec 01, 2022 at 17:23
Ich habe keine große Erfahrung im Handel, und eigentlich habe ich auch nicht viel Erfahrung mit diesem Unternehmen. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass es sehr viele Features, Funktionen und Add-ons bietet. Sie sind meiner Meinung nach recht nützlich... Trotzdem habe ich noch einige Fragen, die mich sehr beschäftigen, und ich möchte keine Zeit mit der Suche nach einer Lösung verbringen. Es ist viel einfacher für mich, hier zu fragen :D
Sagen die Auszeichnungen, die der Broker erhalten hat, viel über seine Glaubwürdigkeit aus?
Member Since Nov 28, 2022   1 posts
Nov 28, 2022 at 10:33
Traded with this broker for a while and figured out that this company offers lots of various opportunities both for advanced traders and newbies.
At the first sight, one can state that this broker is strictly for professionals, but it ain't so.
Member Since Nov 28, 2022   1 posts
Nov 28, 2022 at 10:19
I can't state fo sure that I adore services of this company, however indeed there is something unique that might impress traders. It's tough to impress me, as I am a true market oldie.
I like this company continues developing. Recently noticed some changes in conditions, or maybe I just didn't pay attention to them before, idk.
Member Since Nov 27, 2022   1 posts
Nov 27, 2022 at 12:29
This broker is good for me. It offers decent trading conditions and its attitude to me as a customer is quite warm – I have already contacted their customer support service to have my issue resolved. I do appreciate how they handles my issue and the speed they fixed it.
Member Since Nov 21, 2022   1 posts
Nov 21, 2022 at 17:16
Hateliztruss posted:
I recently got into the crypto sphere and chose activtrades as it has an impressive list of cryptos to trade on.
Can somebody share the experience of how good the trading conditions for cryptos are?
Industrywise, I'd say they are quite competptive. The spreads are very tight, as you would find on the best trading platforms out there. The liquidity is good so no problems getting your orders executed. Leverage is somehow limited but that is also a common industry standard in the brokerage sector with cryptocurrencies. But they are still giving you leverage, don't worry. So, overall, really good.
ActivTrades User Reviews

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