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Insta mantap,
kalau masalah requote memang sering terjadi tapi saya rasa semua broker juga begitu
jadi mau trading di mana aja pasti ada plus minusnya
withdraw atau deposit cuma itungan dalam 1 jam, pernah paling cepat 30 mnt, paling lama 3 jam
Sapa yg mau cepat deposit atau widraw cepat di insta forex ? PM mee
Fix Spread..
Fast Withdrawal.Instant Liberty Reserve Method..
Nice Customer Service.
Average Customer Case Solution..
Fast Order..But,,Many Requote :)
belum nemu lagi broker sebagus instaforex.
witdraw lancar
so far so good using EA
В основном работаю именно с этим брокером. Все устраивает. Если возникают какие-то неясности, служба поддержки всегда помогает.
saya sudah 1 tahun trading di broker ini dan belum pernah bermasalah dengan WD
kalau masalah requote memang sering terjadi tapi saya rasa semua broker juga begitu
jadi mau trading di mana aja pasti ada plus minusnya
i've been trading around 8 years...among all the brokers that i've tried, i'm still stuck with instaforex. i wonder why. 😁
Работаю с инстой 2 года, проблем не возникало, поддержка на должном уровне. Один пока минус не всегда быстро открываются и закрываются ордера, поэтому предпочтительней работать отложенниками. Ну а в целом все на должном уровне, перешел к ним от другого брокера и не разу не пожалел. Моя оценка: 9.3 из 10 😎
do you know a brooker who does not requote time to time?
Hi there! I'm a big fun of insta and one of the oldest clients, just love this broker, never faced any problem in withdrawing my money. Insta is really the one you may search for, and with the introduction of the new MT5 platfrom, I think they can achieve the first position in the world of Forex brokers soon.
I've been using since Sept 2010. So far so good. Visited their office and personally knew the people work there.
Called me if they have problem. I'm fully satisfied with them as at today (April 2011).
Currently i try it with a Cent Account for now 3 week's, it's ok for the moment.
Let's see on long term....
В инсте торгую недавно ,но впечатления только положительные.
Good Broker
Insta is an Insta headache.
Their infrastructure and PAMM setup is Great. but their a dishonest broker that requotes 24/7, servers fail at Economic news releases and Customer service will give you the run around.
Large IB program so there are many promoters hyping up this broker.
The comment above, Does help.. Increase the Deviation so you can get slippage on your trades and use SCRIPTS or HOTKEYS instead of the ORDER WINDOW to improve execution. Its the only way to use this broker, if you Choose to.
Hi Dinxdinx,
did you try change maximum deviation from quoted price? If you have O pips - requotation happens offten in fast movement. Try to change it from 0 to 2-3 pips, it helps me.
P.S.: I am satisfied with InstaForex, in all ways...
MT4 broker requotes are sometimes a sign that the broker is using the broker side plugin to interfere with your trading.
They won't fix it as it is them that are doing it in the first place.
Hi all....
i've been 3 years using this broker....i don't have many problem with them...Deposit & Withdawal proccess are good.
But the ony problem insta oftenly requotes...Hopefully insta will fix it soon...
instaforex...prime4x ..the same thing. why should you "verify" you account when making a withdrawal. wasnt enough verification done when opening the account ? fucking scams..looking for a reason not to pay clients !
Hi guys.
I think most problems with reqoutes can be solved by having a VPS located close to your preferred brokers server. Instaforex's servers are placed in Singapore (2 datacenters) and USA (5 datacenters).
Get the IP address of the servers and ping them, some VPS-hosts provide ping-times to various brokers servers as well.
From my position (Denmark) my pingtimes to Instaforex servers are:
Instaforex-Cents.com: 166
InstaForex-Singapore.com: 37
Instaforex-USA.com: 167
In my case, no need for VPS, I think <40ms is adequate for forextrading.