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Členom od Oct 19, 2022
2 príspevkov
Oct 19, 2022 at 12:39
Členom od Oct 19, 2022
2 príspevkov
sam2022 posted:I have a question.
If I open an account in canadian dollar (CAD).........with a forex broker , like Oanda, forex.com, etc......
If I buy and sell the pair EUR/USD there will be conversion fee charged because the Quote (USD) is different from my account curency.
But if I buy and sell the pair USD/CAD.......the Quote (CAD) is the same from my account curency ...this mean NO conversion fee.
Is that correct?
(I know there is a spread.....i'm not talking about spread, i'm talking about conversion fee)
Členom od Apr 09, 2019
538 príspevkov
Nov 04, 2022 at 12:23
Členom od Apr 09, 2019
538 príspevkov
I trade in GBP on my account and never noticed a fee specifically listed when I trade other currency pairs.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
Členom od Aug 05, 2021
401 príspevkov
Nov 17, 2022 at 18:40
Členom od Aug 05, 2021
401 príspevkov
I don't believe there will be, but you could also ask your specific broker just to be 100% sure.
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