Arbatov System (Od Arbatov)

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Arbatov System Diskusia

Aug 04, 2010 at 03:50
15,423 Zobrazení
375 Replies
Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 12:37

pc8multifx posted:
    with more than 40 new investors he should earn enough money be able to hire his own translater.....
Я думаю, что вы ошибаетесь. Я не буду нанимать переводчика. Я буду писать на русском языке. От этого инвесторов не уменьшиться.
Členom od Sep 04, 2009   879 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 13:04

Arbatov posted:
pc8multifx posted:
    with more than 40 new investors he should earn enough money be able to hire his own translater.....
Я думаю, что вы ошибаетесь. Я не буду нанимать переводчика. Я буду писать на русском языке. От этого инвесторов не уменьшиться.

Its getting absurd...
Členom od May 28, 2010   25 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 13:17
I perfectly agree with pc8multifx.
I'm from Italy, but don't pretend the others write and understand me using italian language!
If the offical language on this forum it's english (and it is!), he MUST accept it if he want to continue to stay here and communicate with the other members.
Simple like this....
pc8multifx posted:
Arbatov posted:
pc8multifx posted:
    with more than 40 new investors he should earn enough money be able to hire his own translater.....
Я думаю, что вы ошибаетесь. Я не буду нанимать переводчика. Я буду писать на русском языке. От этого инвесторов не уменьшиться.

Its getting absurd...
If it's too good to be true, probably isn't (true)!
Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 13:24

pc8multifx posted:
Arbatov posted:
pc8multifx posted:
    with more than 40 new investors he should earn enough money be able to hire his own translater.....
Я думаю, что вы ошибаетесь. Я не буду нанимать переводчика. Я буду писать на русском языке. От этого инвесторов не уменьшиться.

Its getting absurd...
Ну почему же? Вы же не понимаете, о чем я пишу на английском? Я один. А Вас много. Поэтому мне проще будет, не выдумывать велосипед. А писать на русском.
Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 13:31

sventrapapere71 posted:
    I perfectly agree with pc8multifx.
I'm from Italy, but don't pretend the others write and understand me using italian language!
If the offical language on this forum it's english (and it is!), he MUST accept it if he want to continue to stay here and communicate with the other members.
Simple like this....
pc8multifx posted:
Arbatov posted:
pc8multifx posted:
    with more than 40 new investors he should earn enough money be able to hire his own translater.....
Я думаю, что вы ошибаетесь. Я не буду нанимать переводчика. Я буду писать на русском языке. От этого инвесторов не уменьшиться.

Its getting absurd...
Я не спорю с вами. Официальный язык данного сайта английский. Но... Данная тема прикреплена к моему личному счету. Люди просят, чтоб я отвечал на вопросы. А я русский. Русский который плохо знает английский язык. Поэтому, если в мою сторону, будут звучать слова: ' Вы плохо пишите по английски', или 'Вам пора нанять переводчика', Я буду писать на русском языке. Ну, а вы уж, можете побывать на моем месте. Воспользоваться переводчиком. И попытаться сделать перевод с русского на английский язык. И хорошо, если я на русском языке буду писать без ошибок. А если буду делать ошибки в русских словах, вы меня тогда не сможете перевести даже с помощью переводчика. Вы не задумывались над тем, что многие на форуме, пишут на английском языке с ошибками. И мне приходится догадываться, о чем было написано...
Členom od Jun 14, 2010   9 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 14:28 (upravené Aug 29, 2010 at 14:29)
Hi Arbatov,

Either in English or Russian. I have Google translator for me. I've no problem to understand you 😄

Keep up the good works!
Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 14:32

alankw88 posted:
    Hi Arbatov,

Either in English or Russian. I have Google translator for me. I've no problem to understand you 😄

Keep up the good works!
Členom od Sep 04, 2009   879 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 14:44
Schwachsinniger thread. Ich comprendo nothing. In the future voy a escribir dreisprachig😎
Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 14:48 (upravené Aug 29, 2010 at 15:05)
pc8multifx posted:
    Schwachsinniger thread. Ich comprendo nothing. In the future voy a escribir dreisprachig😎

Вот лично я ничего не понял, что вы тут написали. Вы критикуете мой английский, а сами не можете даже на английском языке, написать без грамматических ошибок.

Here personally I have understood nothing, that you here have written. You criticize my English, and cannot even in English, write without Grammatic mistakes.
Členom od Sep 04, 2009   879 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 14:56
LOL u cant use translator for it, its written in a mix of Spanish, German and English to give u a hint how we feel when reading your posts..

Seriously, how do u wanna communicate with your numerous international clients without hiring a professional translator?
Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 15:08

pc8multifx posted:
    LOL u cant use translator for it, its written in a mix of Spanish, German and English to give u a hint how we feel when reading your posts..

Seriously, how do u wanna communicate with your numerous international clients without hiring a professional translator?
Мои клиенты, со всего мира. Один говорит на английском, другой на французском, а третий вообще на китайском. Как прикажите с ними общаться ? Для каждого нанимать переводчика ? Может быть лучше вам, в таком случае выучить русский язык?
My clients, from all world. One speaks in English, another in French, and the third in general on Chinese. How order with them to communicate? For everyone to employ the translator? Can be better to you, in that case teach Russian?
Členom od Sep 04, 2009   879 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 15:15
Good luck with this 'kauderwelsch'🙄
Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 15:31

pc8multifx posted:
    Good luck with this 'kauderwelsch'🙄
Я так понял, что здесь дело совсем не в языке. Я прошу к своей персоне, элементарного уважения. И не более того. Я уже читал на этом форуме, о том: ' что русские, торгуют так, как пьют водку'. Мне это не нравится. Я это воспринимаю, как оскорбление в свою сторону.
То, что я писал на английском языке. Свидетельствует о моем уважении к людям, которые не понимают русский язык, и хотят иметь со мной партнерские отношения. Я проявлял уважение к этим людям. Этого же я буду требовать и к своей персоне. Если Вы этого не поняли, то это Ваша проблема.

I so have understood, that here put at all in language. I ask to the person, elementary respect. And no more that. I already read at this forum, about that: ' that Russian, trade how drink vodka '. It is not pleasant to me. I perceive it, as the insult in the party.
That I wrote in English. Testifies to my respect for people which do not understand Russian, and want to have with me partner attitudes. I showed respect for these people. I shall demand this and to the person. If you have not understood it, it is your problem.
Členom od Jul 27, 2010   8 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 15:40
Arbatov, You dont need to excuse your language, I think you do very well to read and understand the comments on here and I think we should all be grateful.

If people have a problem with the way you speak then they should invest in someone else.

Keep up the great work Arbatov and please ignore the comments of those too lazy to translate your responses.


less stress more enjoyment
Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 15:49

stuck posted:
    Arbatov, You dont need to excuse your language, I think you do very well to read and understand the comments on here and I think we should all be grateful.

If people have a problem with the way you speak then they should invest in someone else.

Keep up the great work Arbatov and please ignore the comments of those too lazy to translate your responses.

Thanks for that that correctly understand me.
Členom od May 09, 2010   39 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 16:45

I am one of your first investors and I couldn't be more pleased with your work. You have done an excellent job so far. My only regret is that I didn't invest more.

The people criticizing you about your English are, plain and simple, jealous of your trading success. My advice to you is ignore them.

Keep up the great work.

Členom od May 01, 2010   272 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 18:43
I agree, we should apologize for not speaking your language.. :)

The language of good trading.

I have a brother-in-law from Kazakhstan and I spent a bit of time there. It was an eye opener for an American and I was probably just as RUDE as the PC8 comments. He speaks 4 languages, and just that alone is amazing to me.

You definitely speak two very well, Trading and Russian. :)
Be Open, honest and ethical and all the $$$ you want will come. (hint hint)
Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 19:11

beorn posted:

I am one of your first investors and I couldn't be more pleased with your work. You have done an excellent job so far. My only regret is that I didn't invest more.

The people criticizing you about your English are, plain and simple, jealous of your trading success. My advice to you is ignore them.

Keep up the great work.

Členom od May 20, 2010   96 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 19:13

bluemele posted:
    I agree, we should apologize for not speaking your language.. :)

The language of good trading.

I have a brother-in-law from Kazakhstan and I spent a bit of time there. It was an eye opener for an American and I was probably just as RUDE as the PC8 comments. He speaks 4 languages, and just that alone is amazing to me.

You definitely speak two very well, Trading and Russian. :)
Členom od Sep 04, 2009   879 príspevkov
Aug 29, 2010 at 21:59

bluemele posted:
    I agree, we should apologize for not speaking your language.. :)

The language of good trading.

I have a brother-in-law from Kazakhstan and I spent a bit of time there. It was an eye opener for an American and I was probably just as RUDE as the PC8 comments. He speaks 4 languages, and just that alone is amazing to me.

You definitely speak two very well, Trading and Russian. :)

The day when kissing somebodys ass will be a language too, from this day on you will speak at least two languages too...😝

When good trading is a language for you, than I speak four languages as well. Please, be amazed again!😀
(I like your poetic view of trading, never thought this way about making money. Will add it to my curriculum:' I'm speaking the language of trading since 2003'😎)

BTW myfxbook would be likely forced to close its doors, when everybody starts to post and/or respond in their own language. This is an international forum, not Babylon, the place where all the misunderstandings started....As far as I recall, here on myfxbook we agreed to communicate in English, not Russian, even its an beautiful language, as well as every other language.

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