Get More Barrels (Od Bozza)

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Get More Barrels Diskusia

Jul 05, 2012 at 12:15
2,714 Zobrazení
25 Replies
Členom od Dec 08, 2010   139 príspevkov
Sep 25, 2012 at 06:50 (upravené Sep 25, 2012 at 06:51)
hi, good work but this seems to work only in trending markets.
Also,due to the difference in both accounts, developer could easily have started with a $10 real account in january when the demo was started
Courage is not the absence of fear,but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear
Členom od Mar 28, 2011   942 príspevkov
Sep 25, 2012 at 08:59 (upravené Sep 25, 2012 at 08:59)
Dear Forex Trader,

Are you tirelessly looking for the next Forex robot that can turn your bank account around and give you the 5 figure monthly returns you've been working so hard for?

If you are still struggling to make a career out of Forex and slip out of your day job, I have the solution for you.

Introducing Forex Minute Trader...

MDP is back under a new shiny website
Členom od Mar 28, 2011   942 príspevkov
Sep 25, 2012 at 09:10
the trade comments say Super Scalper ?? or SS ?? not Forex Minute Trader -- links from their website directed to this account.

isn't this the super scalper -

Členom od Mar 28, 2011   942 príspevkov
Sep 25, 2012 at 09:19
aw i see - decided to team up William Morrison to relaunch their super scalper under a new name .
Členom od Apr 08, 2011   148 príspevkov
Sep 28, 2012 at 19:13
Hi Bozza,

can you comment about your setup please?

Which risk are you using per trade?

Do you use the overall drawdown protection for all pairs of 2% per day after which the EA gets shutdown for 24 hours?

Do you run aggressive and conservative or just one of them?

Do you run the EA for all pairs in 1 MT4 instance or using a different MT4 instance for each pair separately?

Maybe you could post a .set file of your settings, that would be great.
Členom od Nov 09, 2009   129 príspevkov
Oct 01, 2012 at 02:41 (upravené Oct 01, 2012 at 02:42)
geektrader posted:
Hi Bozza,

can you comment about your setup please?

Which risk are you using per trade?

Do you use the overall drawdown protection for all pairs of 2% per day after which the EA gets shutdown for 24 hours?

Do you run aggressive and conservative or just one of them?

Do you run the EA for all pairs in 1 MT4 instance or using a different MT4 instance for each pair separately?

Maybe you could post a .set file of your settings, that would be great.

Hi geektrader,

I think Beau is away working, I haven't heard form him in a while actually but my guess is that he'll be happy when he checks his account.

As I understand the setup:

1) 0.5% risk per trade
2) 2 x MT4's loaded with 6 pairs each using the 2 entries on Host Europe
3) as above (again) on CNS NY
4) 2% max risk per day per MT4 (plus last closed trade)

There's nothing "special" about the way Beau has setup his account. He just sets it up per the defaults and leaves it. I dont think he's even upgraded to v1.18 yet, which has seen a few more trades already than Beas account. If he was running v1.18, he would be even further ahead than he is now.

Anyways, I'm sure in time Beau will comment further and in the meantime - nice work Beau.

Cheers, Adam :)
Členom od Apr 08, 2011   148 príspevkov
Oct 01, 2012 at 03:08
Thanks Adam, really, this is interesting though, since I found the MaxDailyLoss to give a lot more trades in my tick-data (collected from Armada) when I use 2% MaxDailyLoss and 0.5% RiskPerTrade. The drawdown does not increase compared to 1% MaxDailyLoss and 0.5% RiskPerTrade, but the Net Profit does double with that!
Členom od May 18, 2012   3 príspevkov
Oct 01, 2012 at 08:42
Hi Adam and Geektrader, sorry I have not replied, I have been too busy surfing in Indonesia (getting more barrels) and I am having some problems with my laptop. Back to work tomorrow for another month so I will try and upgrade to the new EA version and answer some Q?'s soon.
Členom od Oct 03, 2010   155 príspevkov
Oct 01, 2012 at 13:49
Hello! What EA is this and where is it being sold.

Členom od May 18, 2012   3 príspevkov
Oct 01, 2012 at 14:28
Hi jsinti,

You can get this EA via the link below.

Be quick as you don't want to miss out.
Členom od Apr 08, 2011   148 príspevkov
Oct 02, 2012 at 03:52
Btw, it doesn´t look like you have the MaxDailyLoss and AllPairs filter enabled, right? Since your drawdown is over 12% on one day and still the EA continues trading later on that day. With those filters enabled the loss should have been smaller and no more trading should have happened on that day. It would be really cool if you could post the exact settings from one EA instance (since it is the same on the other pairs except Conservative / Aggressive variable of course).
Členom od Nov 09, 2009   129 príspevkov
Oct 02, 2012 at 06:11
geektrader posted:
Btw, it doesn´t look like you have the MaxDailyLoss and AllPairs filter enabled, right? Since your drawdown is over 12% on one day and still the EA continues trading later on that day. With those filters enabled the loss should have been smaller and no more trading should have happened on that day. It would be really cool if you could post the exact settings from one EA instance (since it is the same on the other pairs except Conservative / Aggressive variable of course).

Howdy geektrader,

By my math, a $195 loss on a 5k account is under 4% :) and I believe Beau actually has 8% combined max daily risk in his setup.

That 12% ur mention is the loss today as it applies to the orginal starting balance of 2k.

Cheers, Adam :)

ps: can u believe some actually won on that wicked spike! I just wish I was one of em, certainly no favours to the designer by the pips gods...
Členom od Sep 14, 2012   13 príspevkov
Oct 02, 2012 at 11:15
But demo account is in profits with same spike ,that is serious issue ,you still need to show 5-6 month live performance in real account for get 189$ from traders 😇


Členom od Sep 14, 2012   13 príspevkov
Oct 02, 2012 at 11:16
Also "Trading Privileges Not Verified" it may be a demo account ,change that red cross in to green tick
Členom od Nov 09, 2009   129 príspevkov
Oct 11, 2012 at 01:56
I_AM_BEST posted:
But demo account is in profits with same spike ,that is serious issue ,you still need to show 5-6 month live performance in real account for get 189$ from traders 😇

Well I_AM_BEST - the EA is no longer for sale, so its a moot point isnt it ?

Demos will always work better than real, as a rule, no new insights there for anyone who understand tick scalpers.

I notice you dont have any track record at all in your it would be my suggestion to you to invest your efforts into making things works versus going to all that effort trying to prove that something doesn't work, when it does.

I guess you missed the fact its made 150% plus already, matey.

Cheers, Adam :)
Členom od Nov 09, 2009   129 príspevkov
Oct 11, 2012 at 02:02
I_AM_BEST posted:
Also "Trading Privileges Not Verified" it may be a demo account ,change that red cross in to green tick

I_AM_BEST, yeah mate maybe its a demo, you should check with account owner on that one.

If you really after green ticks and full verification, we actually went to extra effort on the accounts listed here BUT under the Forex Minute Trader brand name - because we knew were going to receive these comments when the EA was briefly re-released. So, go invest some more of your time into trying to prove the system isnt profitable on real money..

Take those shades off dude, they are obviously impairing your vision to the see the real deal..

Cheers, Adam :)
Členom od Nov 09, 2009   129 príspevkov
Oct 11, 2012 at 02:16
Hi Beau,

Hey mate, I noticed you copped a loss today and I'm wondering why ?

Our account at same broker did clean up on the AUD spike today......14 trades, 85% win rate, net 16.8 pips profit:

We loaded v1.20 BETA onto our accounts just last I'm wondering if the code (not parameter) optimization that have been made to it (that reduced the DD in backtest by nearly 50% and for more ROI ,as posted in our private forum just last night) is the difference ?

I expect so and we'll be rolling this version out to all our clients (both SS and FMT) this weekend, ready for next week.

We've MK2 model also in the pipes, maybe only another week or two away with multiple extra triggers that will have it trading like a crack addict on Ritalin ! We anticipate hundreds of trades a week on that variant, it's the tick scalper everyone really wants but no one as yet has been able to crack - and it trades with the spike as well as on a reversion to means basis !

As Ive been saying lately to anyone thats been listening, we've barely scratched the surface of whats possible with tick scalping.

Cheers, Adam :)
Členom od May 18, 2012   3 príspevkov
Oct 11, 2012 at 12:27
Hi Adam,

Yes, the Ozzy was performing really well, but this month has been a shocker for it. V1.20 must be the difference between your results and mine.
Looking forward to getting it for next week. Hopefully this account can turn it around and break even for the month.
As soon as the MK2 is ready I can help with Beta testing, just let me know.


Členom od Aug 31, 2011   30 príspevkov
Oct 16, 2012 at 11:16
can you guys recommened this system for my 1000usd hotforex accounts please, i am newbie and need just 10-15 percent monthly please
Členom od Nov 09, 2009   129 príspevkov
Oct 19, 2012 at 08:32 (upravené Oct 19, 2012 at 08:34)
jossyfx posted:
can you guys recommened this system for my 1000usd hotforex accounts please, i am newbie and need just 10-15 percent monthly please

Just 10-15% month eh ?

if you can achieve that then you're doing better than 98% of the 40,000 people (newbies) entering the FX market each month.

Now, as an experienced trader of 8 years and one who's witnessed the compilation of all real money trades ever placed by this system on approx 40 brokers over the last few months via some rather fancy technology, that generates an average expectancy figure per trade per broker, my suggestion to use this EA at the broker/s we reccomend.

We know where it works and why, so if you're into making money (ie, Trade to Profit) then simply follow my advice - but if you're into experimentation and being a guinea pig for us on new feeds, then you're simply not our target client. We have an existing client base with that freedom already from which we derive new data on new broker/feeds.

There's plenty of other EA vendors that will take your money and let you trade where ever you wish..........but unfortunately you have a 98% chance of failure taking that road.

Cheers, Adam :)
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