Namibia GDP Growth Rate YoY

Namibia is a small country with a reasonably open economy and a wealth of mineral riches to its credit. The services sector accounts for around 60% of GDP. Wholesale and retail commerce (13%), public administration and defense (11%), education (9%), and real estate (8%) are the most important services sectors in the economy. Mining and quarrying (mostly diamonds and uranium) make for 12.3% of total production, manufacturing accounts for 12.3%, and agriculture and fishing account for 9% of total output.

Hodnoty vyššie, ako sa očakáva, by sa mali považovať za pozitívne (býčie) pre NAD a pod očakávané hodnoty by sa mali považovať za negatívne (medvedie) pre NAD.

Kategória:  GDP Annual Growth Rate
Jednotky:  Percent
Dopad: Nízke
Mena: NAD
Najnovšie vydanie
Predchádzajúce: 3.2%
Konsenzus: 5.6%
Aktuálne: 4.4%
Ďalšie vydanie
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