Demo rahamasin
Demo (EUR), Admiral Markets , Zmiešané , 1:500 , MetaTrader 4

Čerpanie: 0.00%

Zostatok na účte: €5,000.00
Stav účtu: (100.00%) €5,000.00
Najvyšší: (Oct 25) €5,000.00
Zisk: €0.00
Úrok: €0.00

Vklady: €5,000.00
Výbery: €0.00

Aktualizované Nov 25, 2016 at 19:32
Sledovanie 0
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Ďalšie systémy od GilbertPardla

Meno Zisk Čerpanie Pipy Obchodovanie Páka Typ
Pending Orders and Harmonic strategy 114.69% 68.45% 169.8 Ručne 1:500 Demo
Dynamic Profit Algorithm Terminal - AMD2 111.45% 13.73% 4,191.7 Automaticky 1:500 Demo
DPA - Terminal S1 89.69% 50.15% 1,770.6 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
Dynamic Profit Algorithm - Terminal M1 93.66% 46.40% 3,413.5 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
DAG CORP DTradingA Rein 297.97% 75.72% 4,049.0 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
Dynamic Profit Algorithm - Terminal M2 72.17% 34.86% 2,593.7 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
DAG CORP FW - Terminal M3 56.22% 42.05% -342.4 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
Dynamic Profit Algorithm - Terminal Pepperstone D1 17.49% 33.05% 2,049.6 Automaticky 1:400 Demo
Dynamic Profit Algorithm - Terminal G1 22.97% 31.01% -3.8 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
Dynamic Profit Algorithm - Terminal R2 108.71% 81.96% 1,777.8 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
Dynamic Profit Algorithm - Terminal I1 23.35% 58.78% 492.1 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
Dynamic Profit Algorithm - Terminal S2 30.59% 48.85% 792.5 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
Dynamic Profit Algorithm - Terminal R3 86.75% 89.35% 1,848.4 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
Dynamic Profit Algorithm - Terminal I2 18.73% 43.56% 1,160.9 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
DPA = EUR USD BTC 23.05% 64.42% -19,899.7 Automaticky 1:200 Demo
Gilbert WW 529.35% 57.69% -3,430.4 Ručne 1:200 Demo
DAG CORP Kauplemislabor 74.17% 28.90% -51.7 Ručne 1:100 Reálny
Merlin the Wizard - Terminal R4 22.74% 82.13% 1,161.8 Automaticky 1:500 Reálny
Success Factory -1.74% 22.62% 378.6 - 1:500 Demo
Account USV