profil fusionforex15 obchodníka fusionforex15



Meno fusionforex15

After much research into forex Fusion developed a strategy which enables continuous profits throughout the year. This teamed with an often overlooked concept of strict money management we are able to remove emotion from trading and continue to compound our balances month on month.

Obchodný štýl:
Utilizing a combination of fundamental and technical analysis Fusion is able to use a stern understanding of the markets and watching for breakout moves in the market.

Using strict money management we are able to maintain a high win rate averaging 4000 - 6000 pips per year on average.

Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after you!

Skúsenosť 1-3 rokov


Poukážky 0

Zaregistrovaný Mar 08, 2015 at 15:37

Zablokovaní používatelia 0

Nedávne aktivity fusionforex15

Užívateľ zatiaľ nezverejnil príspevok.


Systémy od fusionforex15

Meno Zisk Čerpanie Pipy Obchodovanie Páka Typ
Fusion Forex 1 382.31% 44.96% 14162.4 Zmiešané 1:500 Demo
Fusion Forex 12.5 3.70% 5.84% 367.7 Ručne 1:500 Reálny
Fusion Forex 25 5.65% 9.80% 394.0 - 1:500 Reálny

Posledné príspevky

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