Looking for a solid community of experienced traders

Dec 15, 2024 at 05:48
120 Visa
2 Replies
Medlem sedan Dec 13, 2024   5 inlägg
Dec 15, 2024 at 05:48
Hello everyone,

Not sure how this will be recieviled but I'm looking for a solid group of community of experienced traders that I could join.

I'm not a beginner and I'm doing okay with small returns but I can see areas needed for improvement that could make me get over hurdle of being more consistent and confident.

Was wondering if there are any experienced traders who have a community and enjoy passing on knowledge to others

I'm not looking for copy trades or calls or to know about anyone's golden winning strategy I'm looking for people I can just share trades ideas and TA with for feedback and support in the trading game. I want to become self sufficient so I gathered the best way would be to surround myself with people with the same mindset.

Thanks in advance!
No gambling!!!
Medlem sedan Nov 14, 2024   1 inlägg
Dec 20, 2024 at 21:29
Bonjour à tous,Je

ne sais pas comment cela va être récompensé, mais je suis à la recherche d’un groupe solide de communauté de traders expérimentés que je pourrais rejoindre.

Je ne suis pas un débutant et je me débrouille bien avec de petits rendements, mais je peux voir des domaines à améliorer qui pourraient me faire surmonter l’obstacle d’être plus constant et confiant.

Je me demandais s’il y avait des traders expérimentés qui ont une communauté et qui aiment transmettre des connaissances aux autres

, je ne cherche pas des copy trades ou des appels ou pour connaître la stratégie gagnante de quelqu’un, je cherche des personnes avec qui je peux simplement partager des idées de transactions et de l’assistance technique pour obtenir des commentaires et du soutien dans le jeu de trading. Je veux devenir autonome, alors j’ai compris que la meilleure façon serait de m’entourer de personnes ayant le même état d’esprit.
Medlem sedan Nov 23, 2021   19 inlägg
Dec 21, 2024 at 11:01
im in plenty of group in these social site and apps but one thing i find is that rather than sharing ultimate info majority are just for showcasing trades than real expounding on strategies and detailed concepts.
another thing is that trading strategies varies and can be cumbersome whenever you see strategy and trying to incorporate that can lead to paralysis to what you already know..
the best way is start a community by yourself and get to invite / or poach members to create one ultimate group with core values as that you seek..
and i realised the best traders don't have much time to stay very much active to those groups and hardly even post compared to intermediate who tend to showcase..
the best way is as i've explained ..first know your area of expertise or strategy because that way having relevant traders will help you fine tune..create friendship and then they will lead you to the specific groups or channels that have the same concept
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