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Emotional Trading
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
May 26, 2021 at 15:01
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
Profits cannot be gained by trading for a long time if emotions cannot be controlled. Emotional trading tends to ruin a trader's investment. So stay away from emotional trading.
Medlem sedan Apr 03, 2021
437 inlägg
May 26, 2021 at 22:42
Medlem sedan Apr 03, 2021
437 inlägg
Trader need to control emotion because they can't control the market, its impossible retail trader can control the market, so if they can't control own emotion, hence the market will easily to beat us, greedy is one most bad emotion for a trader that leading to get in failure, if one loss already making us emotion stop trading and wait for next day opportunity.
Medlem sedan May 27, 2021
56 inlägg
May 27, 2021 at 09:36
Medlem sedan May 27, 2021
56 inlägg
FXOday posted:
Trader need to control emotion because they can't control the market, its impossible retail trader can control the market, so if they can't control own emotion, hence the market will easily to beat us, greedy is one most bad emotion for a trader that leading to get in failure, if one loss already making us emotion stop trading and wait for next day opportunity.
Exactly, emotions always ruin the trading, the only way of making trading profitable is to avoid every sort of emotion and focus on understanding the market.
Medlem sedan Mar 28, 2021
586 inlägg
May 27, 2021 at 11:47
Medlem sedan Mar 28, 2021
586 inlägg
Getting influenced by emotions during trading is one of the reasons people lose money. Sometimes people open trade out of overjoy, sometimes out of frustration. One should open trade only if your strategy permits.
May 27, 2021 at 12:13
Medlem sedan Nov 02, 2020
32 inlägg
There is no place of emotions in trading. You either win or lose.
Medlem sedan Apr 15, 2020
187 inlägg
May 28, 2021 at 06:46
Medlem sedan Apr 15, 2020
187 inlägg
FXOday posted:
Trader need to control emotion because they can't control the market, its impossible retail trader can control the market, so if they can't control own emotion, hence the market will easily to beat us, greedy is one most bad emotion for a trader that leading to get in failure, if one loss already making us emotion stop trading and wait for next day opportunity.
You have correctly described every day trading of a retail broker. Its 100% true that a retail trader has no control over the market, he can only perform according the prevailing situation. If you are losing then take a break and start fresh.. Trading under emotional distress will draw you down to more losses.
The more your practice, the more you learn.
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
749 inlägg
Jun 03, 2021 at 06:49
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
749 inlägg
Usually there are two types of emotions on trading that affect a trader. One is fear and is greed. Fear of losing money and fear of losing opportunity. Due to greed traders open big lots and revenge trade. To be successful one needs to overcome this.
Medlem sedan May 31, 2021
34 inlägg
Jun 03, 2021 at 12:47
Medlem sedan May 31, 2021
34 inlägg
UweMoench posted:
Usually there are two types of emotions on trading that affect a trader. One is fear and is greed. Fear of losing money and fear of losing opportunity. Due to greed traders open big lots and revenge trade. To be successful one needs to overcome this.
I agree with you, most of the traders have fear of losing money but this can be overcome by proper risk management and by being patient, patience is very important for a trader to avoid risks and losses.
Medlem sedan May 31, 2021
51 inlägg
Jun 04, 2021 at 07:24
(redigerad Jun 04, 2021 at 07:24)
Medlem sedan May 31, 2021
51 inlägg
We should trade on forex like a numb, bcz feeling can sometimes take you on good and bad moods and from that moment we don't know when to think less. There is no clear cut line that a trader have not to cross for being greedy or fear. So sit like a robot and think like advance human species those have less emotions.
Medlem sedan May 31, 2021
13 inlägg
Jun 04, 2021 at 10:11
Medlem sedan May 31, 2021
13 inlägg
If you say that you'll trade without any emotions, then it's not possible. Emotions will always be there. You can only control those emotions. You can read Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. This book is called the bible of the trading psychology and will be of huge help to those who are struggling with their emotions.
Jun 04, 2021 at 12:33
Medlem sedan Dec 21, 2020
32 inlägg
eddieteddie posted:
If you say that you'll trade without any emotions, then it's not possible. Emotions will always be there. You can only control those emotions.
Agree with you. Emotions will come since your funds are invested in that but one can surely try to tackle those emotions sensibly.
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
Jun 04, 2021 at 16:54
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020
742 inlägg
eddieteddie posted:
If you say that you'll trade without any emotions, then it's not possible. Emotions will always be there. You can only control those emotions. You can read Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. This book is called the bible of the trading psychology and will be of huge help to those who are struggling with their emotions.
Yes, Psychology needs to be maintained. I think there is a possibility of loss in a profitable trade in emotional trading. But if I meditate regularly, I will be protected from emotions.
Medlem sedan Jun 04, 2021
5 inlägg
Jun 04, 2021 at 19:38
Medlem sedan Jun 04, 2021
5 inlägg
Yes! This is why trading is really just about traders' psychology. It's what controls the prices of any market. Behavioral Economics/Finance is surely an interesting subject.
“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” – John D. Rockefeller
Oct 07, 2021 at 09:57
Medlem sedan Feb 20, 2021
77 inlägg
Emotions are not at all dangerous, it's a matter of controlling them when trades are not going according to your expectations or plans.
Oct 07, 2021 at 10:40
Medlem sedan Jul 27, 2020
99 inlägg
Dangerous or not, emotional is not the right trait to have while you are trading, it is quite risky and can lead to the wrong judgment in your trading.
Medlem sedan May 27, 2021
56 inlägg
Oct 07, 2021 at 12:11
Medlem sedan May 27, 2021
56 inlägg
cardigan posted:
Dangerous or not, emotional is not the right trait to have while you are trading, it is quite risky and can lead to the wrong judgment in your trading.
I agree with you, emotional decisions in forex can only lead to losses and risks.
Oct 07, 2021 at 12:15
Medlem sedan Oct 23, 2018
27 inlägg
there can be no emotions in trading the markets. This will be your downfall
Medlem sedan Jun 14, 2021
51 inlägg
Oct 08, 2021 at 11:16
Medlem sedan Jun 14, 2021
51 inlägg
Emotions are natural and one can never control them. What a trader can do to avoid emotional trading is to stop reacting to the points that trigger their emotions, for example when a trader faces a loss. If a trader does not react to such circumstances it is highly unlikely for them to fall into the emotional trading trap.
Medlem sedan Aug 05, 2021
394 inlägg
Oct 12, 2021 at 17:01
Medlem sedan Aug 05, 2021
394 inlägg
Sorry to hear about the bad luck! I think it's normal to feel some emotion while trading but the important thing is to manage it and not allow it to affect your trading plan. If you need to, step away and take a breather when this sort of thing happens or do something that makes you feel relaxed, then come back with a clear head.

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