
Mar 22, 2018 at 08:25
6,853 Visa
142 Replies
Medlem sedan Mar 03, 2020   21 inlägg
May 08, 2020 at 03:50
Loss is inalienable part of profit. Do not afraid to lose your money - be afraid of NOT being able to learn on your own mistakes.
Medlem sedan Aug 27, 2017   994 inlägg
May 13, 2020 at 15:17
Leaning from own trading mistake is the best practice! But, we should try to complete our main learning process in the beginning stage of trading!
keeping patience.......
Medlem sedan Feb 19, 2020   19 inlägg
May 13, 2020 at 18:04
talanted and smart trader can turn a loss into a profit. not right away, off course - but eventually he'll succeed. But if you don't know how to deal with a loss - maybe Forex market is not for you?
Medlem sedan Aug 27, 2017   994 inlägg
May 14, 2020 at 15:19
high leverage means high losses , its not true exactly, if there is any risk it is complete with nonsense planning or zero risk management, nothing without it.
keeping patience.......
Medlem sedan Mar 02, 2020   14 inlägg
May 14, 2020 at 15:42
loss is a very good thing if you want to learn. Demo loss doensn't mean anything - but try to treat your demo account as your real! it will help you in the future, believe me!
Medlem sedan Jul 08, 2019   57 inlägg
May 15, 2020 at 07:31

Medlem sedan Aug 08, 2019   10 inlägg
May 15, 2020 at 11:26
eleonorashatik posted:
loss is a very good thing if you want to learn. Demo loss doensn't mean anything - but try to treat your demo account as your real! it will help you in the future, believe me!

Demo is the key to learning forex. Man who trades on demo will succeed. man who trades live will lose his hat
Medlem sedan Apr 01, 2020   231 inlägg
Jul 06, 2020 at 00:12
Rohtas posted:
eleonorashatik posted:
loss is a very good thing if you want to learn. Demo loss doensn't mean anything - but try to treat your demo account as your real! it will help you in the future, believe me!

Demo is the key to learning forex. Man who trades on demo will succeed. man who trades live will lose his hat
Yes, I agree demo trading is a key to learn Forex and we must trade with demo for atleast three months to get some good experience which can help us to be a good with live trading later.
Medlem sedan Jul 04, 2020   22 inlägg
Jul 06, 2020 at 06:36
Demo is good to test your strategies. I think it should be the first step before going live.
Medlem sedan Aug 27, 2017   994 inlägg
Jul 08, 2020 at 10:41
sometimes in spite of having most powerful analyzing risk management trading can be useless , because there is nothing 1005 in Forex trading , its all about luck , i feel sometimes. 
keeping patience.......
Medlem sedan Oct 08, 2019   25 inlägg
Jul 09, 2020 at 06:27
Fernando9 posted:
Demo is good to test your strategies. I think it should be the first step before going live.
It definitely should be. Every beginner should do demo trading to start.
Medlem sedan Jun 24, 2020   34 inlägg
Jul 09, 2020 at 07:27
Smith88 posted:
Fernando9 posted:
Demo is good to test your strategies. I think it should be the first step before going live.
It definitely should be. Every beginner should do demo trading to start.

And that too for significant time.
Medlem sedan Jul 06, 2020   28 inlägg
Jul 14, 2020 at 12:28
As defeating as losses feel, how we react to lose that is more important than the loss itself, As defeating as losses feel, how we react to lose that is more important than the loss itself I would suggest you have a plan, Make a detailed action plan for future trades, Stop trading: Take a break to figure out what went wrong and also Accept responsibility: You made the loss; be sure to own it.
Medlem sedan Jul 23, 2020   759 inlägg
Aug 24, 2020 at 21:32
Mohammadi posted:
There is nobody who is able to reduce loss completely from this volatile trading place, but taking some major steps it can be reduced sometimes. If we can manage our risk when trading practically then it is possible to reduce loss form before. So, we have to emphasis on risk management policy besides acquiring good trading knowledge.
Thats true. Trader should always use minimum 1:2 risk reward ratio. If your wining trade less that losing, it still bring you the profit.
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020   298 inlägg
Aug 25, 2020 at 07:58
Loss is a part of forex trading. You can not avoid loss trade fully. That's why you need to manage your risk. You need a good risk reward rario strategy with decent winning percentage. Most people don't bother about risk management. As a result lose a lot of money.
Medlem sedan Apr 25, 2020   119 inlägg
Aug 27, 2020 at 05:50
Losing is really very annoying, but you need to treat it as an integral part of trading.
Medlem sedan Jul 19, 2020   751 inlägg
Aug 28, 2020 at 05:24
Loss is a part of any business. Trading is not exception to it. You have to learn how to minimize your loss. Treat any loss as your operating cost. If it was a physical business, you would have many more fixed cost and operational cost. By this way you can get less pain when will lose a trade.
Medlem sedan Sep 30, 2020   13 inlägg
Oct 07, 2020 at 08:21
Creating and trading through a demo account should be the first step when you decide to become a trader. You could learn valuable strategies and apply them on a demo account. Only when you are fully confident on this platform, even if it takes as long as 6 months, should you start trading live.
Medlem sedan Aug 09, 2017   785 inlägg
Oct 08, 2020 at 06:33
from last couple of weeks i am doing loss during news ,
its not general loss , actually news trading is a tough game from all in this trading place.
Medlem sedan Jan 11, 2019   147 inlägg
Oct 08, 2020 at 09:17
Kazile posted:
Losing is really very annoying, but you need to treat it as an integral part of trading.

Undoubtedly losing is annoying but forex is very volatile market and one has to prepare themselves to bear losses as well
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