Forex Growth Bot

Förstärkning : +2644.71%
Uttag 94.46%
Pips: 8075.5
Trades 2881
Typ: Verkligt
Hävstångseffekt: 1:200
Handel: Automatiserad

Forex Growth Bot Diskussion

Dec 20, 2010 at 23:46
253,403 Visa
3,525 Replies
Medlem sedan Mar 15, 2010   4 inlägg
Dec 21, 2010 at 23:09
Great system, congratulations. Could you please share with us or how can we buy?

Medlem sedan Dec 20, 2010   107 inlägg
Dec 21, 2010 at 23:10
Medlem sedan Aug 21, 2009   92 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 02:30
INteresting to see a site that does not try to do a hard sell.

Might mention that your investor login details are no longer vaild.
Medlem sedan Dec 08, 2010   35 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 02:51
yep they are valid i logged in,

i was wondering :

since thinkforex allow min lot of 0.05 how come some of your transaction on the live account are 0.01?

what is the min lot size for live account?

ThinkForex Support:
ThinkForex Support:
The min lot size is 0.05
great thanks
ThinkForex Support:
You are welcome.


Medlem sedan Aug 21, 2009   92 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 03:08
After donwlaoding a new terminal I have also been able to log in to the account. As noted in a previous question some clarification on the lot size would be appreciated.

I will coment on your refreshing 60 day guarantee and low price tag for what so far appears to woprk.
Medlem sedan Dec 08, 2010   35 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 03:17
hey fxgrowthbot,

if thinkforex enable you 0.01 result looks amazing and please accept my apologize,

RR 1:2.5 on your BT really looks good,

TP is 0.5% from account balance ,

SL is 0.2% from account balance,

very good trend following system,

Medlem sedan Mar 07, 2010   255 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 04:22
guys ... what I don't like is that

1) the first poster as of today has one post
2) the owner of the account responded to the first poster within 1 minute (yes, I checked the message when it was 10 minutes old)
3) the first 380+% was realized with the first 5-6 trades ... which could or could not mean that different rules were applied
4) the account is real but super small and the text/image on the web page says: "inventor profited over 100k" yet the real account statement shows $250 and myfxbook I guess also is around that size since it uses 0.01/0.05 lots ...

Medlem sedan Feb 17, 2010   83 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 04:47
Hi fxgrowthbot,

Pricing Information from your page:

Forex Growth Bot Basic Edition - $70
Forex Growth Bot Advanced Edition - $59
Forex Growth Bot Power Source Edition - $70
Forex Growth Bot Advanced Support & Optimization - $49 per month 😄

can you tell us please, how often this system needs optimization and what Edition is trading here on this account ?

Medlem sedan Aug 21, 2009   92 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 05:38 (redigerad Dec 22, 2010 at 06:06)
Purchased the program.

As a programmer I do understand the need to protect the program but do not enjoy any program placing dll files in places other than in the mt4 folders. The protection on this program is good and I wish for a great succes to the developer. At 70 dollars it is worth a try and I will report back once I receive the registration number from the programmer.

Have to mention that I do not especially like up sells after making a purchase so perhaps the programmer would be better advised to make his presentation of the advanced versions and other features on the main site other than do what all the other programmers have been doing for some time and attempting to make up sells after the original purchase.

Upsells simply make a trader feel that the original purchase is not as good as it could be and that one should spend more funds to get what we see here.

Question of course if whether what we see here, as results, is the basic program or the advanced program that is an upsell.

Will keep posted and compare my results to their account and see if trades are similar.

Might also mention that I am still awaiting for the registration number to activate the program here although they state 24/7 support.

"duzytfx" good to see you are observant here. Missed that one for sure.

UPDATE: Received the registration number. Support was direct from the programmer and friendly enough.

Medlem sedan Aug 21, 2009   92 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 06:13 (redigerad Dec 22, 2010 at 06:13)
Encountered a small install issue with their auto installer and the programmer addressed it immediately so support is at least there .
Medlem sedan Dec 20, 2010   107 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 15:58
I apologize everyone due to late reply. It is holiday season. Normally I will respond promptly. In regardd to the .01 issue. We were able to get thinkforex to make an exception and allow .01 lots. But they will not allow this normally. I will respond to comments please bear with me.
Medlem sedan Dec 20, 2010   107 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 16:05
every version is the same. The other ones allow sdditional tweaking and ability to see some of the code. But all robots trade the same. We are using basic version on the website.

the robot was trading the sae when it was using .05 lots and .01 .. No settings were changed other than lots.

we did not make the first post we were simmply responding to whoever that user is. We received that message within minutes activating this account. That's why we reesponded so quickly.

yes the robot has a very low drawdown and excellent risk to reward ratio.
Medlem sedan Nov 18, 2009   708 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 16:27
Looks good so far. I see on thinkforex site that the minimum deposit is $500. But you started with $250 as the statement shows on the site? Another exception, just for you?

Hope we can take that to the bank. 😁

Medlem sedan Dec 20, 2010   107 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 16:40
thinkforex allowed a lower deposit but they don't give you perks if you do... No free vps and no sign up bonus.
Medlem sedan Mar 15, 2010   4 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 18:45
Why u use Leverage: 1:200
Why don't u use 1:500? :)
Medlem sedan Jun 02, 2010   20 inlägg
Dec 22, 2010 at 23:31
bought this EA, no trades yet ,Excellent Support Service i had ever seen in this shitty Forex EA Market.
Medlem sedan Dec 23, 2010   2 inlägg
Dec 23, 2010 at 00:58

ssaqeel posted:
bought this EA, no trades yet ,Excellent Support Service i had ever seen in this shitty Forex EA Market.

send an update once you are really starting to trade..
Medlem sedan Jun 02, 2010   20 inlägg
Dec 23, 2010 at 03:09
Sure will keep you posted @ danielG
Medlem sedan Aug 21, 2009   92 inlägg
Dec 23, 2010 at 16:00
Appears to work great on IBFX four winning trades last night
Medlem sedan Jun 02, 2010   20 inlägg
Dec 23, 2010 at 16:17
Same here Pheniox
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