Trading rules which are better broken!

Oct 31, 2022 at 09:47
Vues 602
7 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 19, 2021   posts 241
Oct 31, 2022 at 12:08
Oh rule with leverage doesn't work for me too. Or I am a risky guy. lmao.
But the most broken rule I believe is
put SL to save your money.
Membre depuis Aug 05, 2021   posts 401
Nov 01, 2022 at 17:34
Leverage can really make or break you. A lot of experts stick with around 1:100 leverage, even though they can afford to risk more if they want to. It isn't going to kill their account. I think it's smart not to break that rule - always be careful.
Membre depuis Feb 15, 2022   posts 219
Nov 05, 2022 at 10:07
Technical analysis is quite handier than fundamental analysis because only platform analysis is required in technical analysis.
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2022   posts 40
Nov 08, 2022 at 06:30
I feel one should only operate when they know that this market works by logic and not by risk.
Membre depuis Aug 19, 2021   posts 241
Nov 14, 2022 at 14:23
blixtpiece posted:
WhiteWitcher posted:
Oh rule with leverage doesn't work for me too. Or I am a risky guy. lmao.
But the most broken rule I believe is
put SL to save your money.
That’s true, using SL and TP puts traders in a shell. Sometimes the fun is in the unpredictability, but those who add SL and TP never get to enjoy that.

Oh that's right. I'm not one of those people who likes to box themselves in. Therefore, I prefer to trade without using stop loss.
P.S. The main thing is not to go to the shower until the order is closed. lmao.
Membre depuis Oct 28, 2022   posts 50
Nov 15, 2022 at 05:53
In my opinion, trading with wise leverage rule is better to be broken.
Membre depuis Aug 19, 2021   posts 241
Nov 28, 2022 at 16:27
Masticate posted:
I don’t think any rule should be broken. These rules are created for a reason. I think maintaining trading psychology is the most important aspect in trading that requires real effort.

Oh a lot of things were always made up for something. But you can come up with anything, and at the same time be absolutely useless. lol.
Membre depuis Jul 23, 2020   posts 869
Dec 03, 2022 at 10:36
Traders mostly rack up their brains thinking how to increase their profit earnings ratio and however they can hardly come to a solution.
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