FxMagnetic HHM (Mt4-453768) (By McGreedy)

Gain : -36.21%
Drawdown 51.48%
Pips: 6960.6
Trades 1690
Type: Real
Leverage: 1:100
Trading: Automated

FxMagnetic HHM (Mt4-453768) Discussion

Jun 05, 2023 at 10:58
42 Replies
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 06, 2023 at 08:35
This is an old account and therefore I am using the "Custom Analysis Tool". The start date has been set to 5. June 2023, as this is where the FxMagnetic HHM was officially started.

* Results from before 5. June 2023 is either other EA´s or me testing out some newfound strategies. Which have been discarded afterwards. and also a few days of setting up Myfxbook and FxMagnetic HHM.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 07, 2023 at 01:25 (edited Jun 07, 2023 at 01:29)
Removed the following pairs this morning. They either gave to random results or to few trades.

For the remaining. We have raised the stakes and will now let them trade with 0.03 lots. Lets see if they can manage to grow this account.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 07, 2023 at 07:10
Corrected the stakes to 0.02 lots. Turned out the account isn't big enough to support the many trades the EA´s wants to open.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 09, 2023 at 16:50
Removed the lowest performing EA´s and saved their settings for another test. Decided to concentrate my efforts on the bigger winners.
We should start to see some improvement of growth on the account from next week.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 11, 2023 at 14:34
Feeling risky this sunday, but have good faith in the system.
All 4 EA´s have been set to trade 1% of accounts capital. Will be an exiting week to come.

Roughly 13,21 trades can be expected per day on average. Will be fun to watch and follow.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 12, 2023 at 15:53
Added two new very promising EA´s with magic numbers 1005 and 1006.
Exited to see their performances the following days to come.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 14, 2023 at 05:43
Had to shutdown 1001 today. Sad thing as this was the first EA created with FxMagnetic. But its simply not performing and kept loosing money.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 14, 2023 at 09:07
Sadly I had to stop 1005 as it was showing the same weaknesses as 1001 that was stopped earlier today.
Still have some new interesting EA´s there has already proved their worth. The follwing days will show if they can keep up the pace.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 15, 2023 at 03:53
Changed the custom start date of the analyze from 5. June 2023 to 1. June 2023.
Turned out that a few of the EA´s was activated from start June and fair needs to be fair.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 16, 2023 at 00:44
Activated 5006 today. Its an optimization of 5005. Slightly lower chance to win the trade. But it is estimated to make almost 7 times the profit.
Looking forward to see the results it can bring to the account.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 16, 2023 at 00:48
Also raised the stakes and deposited some saving to the account. So now we are having an account of around $2.500 making each trade 0.12 instead of only 0.02.
Should make the account explode in profits if the FxMagnetic keeps performing like this.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 16, 2023 at 07:04
Just my luck when deciding to put some of the savings into the EA`s.
FxMagnetic is showing a strong + 3.351 pips for the week. But the statistic is being messed up a little bit because of the much bigger lot sizes and market decided to go against the predictions.
That´s life of a trader. Luckily good streaks of winning like we had yesterday also exists.

Can´t wait for the green days to see what profit will be made from the newly added capital.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 16, 2023 at 07:13
Good news of the day is that the freshly added EA with magicnumber 5006 has made its first entry.
Can´t wait for it to show some results. 5006 is estimated to make a profit of a whooping 20300 pips over a periods of 100 chandles.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 19, 2023 at 17:23
1007 was permanently terminated today. FxMagnetic needs an update before its worth running M1 charts as EA´s. M1 charts are simply to unstable and to high maintenance as it is now.
Though 1006 is still running and showing good results.

On the good news. I deposited a little over $10.000 in total today. Making it a lot more fun to watch the winnings.
Looking forward seeing the account grow with the added capital.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 20, 2023 at 19:15
Some of you that are following the EA’s, have been wondering about some of the losses on the account today.
I am also trading myself on this account and lost roughly $1.000 today.

So if you only want to see the results from FxMagnetic. Then press “custom analyze”
Go to the “magic” tab and select all the numbers listed.
And finally hit “analyze”
*see the pictures attached

Now you will only see how the EA’s are performing 😉
Do take into account that I have just deposited $10.000, so the statistic are getting messed up a alittle. And the EA’s need to run for a week with the much higher lot sizes. To get a more accurate result.


Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 21, 2023 at 16:37
After a bad loosing streak on 5007. It was time for an optimization. And praise the lord that was a good choice. The EA went from the expected 2.692 pips to more than double the amount and landed on 6.828 pips.
With this adjustment this highly active EA took the 2nd place amongst the highest earning algorithms. Looking forward seeing the results once the loosing streak is over.

5006 also had a makeover today after some heavy losses. And is now expected to make a whooping 20.546 pips. Sadly with its high pip count its not among the most active EA´s. So its only in the 4th place in the grinding race.

Today I have also activated magic number 1010. Its a an optimization of the unstoppable beast 1006. But with different settings. 1010 is not expected to be as active as its sister EA, but is winning higher prices the trades it takes. Giving the win probability a push in the right direction.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 24, 2023 at 19:13
Tonight I have activated a new EA called 5008. We can expect roughly 3-4 trades per day and it will produce an astonishing 340 pips on average per day.
It takes trades right along with 5007. Just with a lot higher hit accuracy on the cherry-picking. It is expected to make $85 per day on average, trading with 0.25 lots.

Really looking forward to see if this baby can outperform the others as its estimated to be the 3rd most profitable created with the FxMagnetic. Only beaten by 1006 and 1010.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 27, 2023 at 05:58
Introducing a new member (1011) to the family. This algorithm is estimated to take the absolute 1st place amongst all the EA´s running. Outperforming even its two sisters 1006 and 1010.
Time will tell if the statistics have foretold the future of this wonderful EA.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 27, 2023 at 15:15
Some extremely heavy moves on XAUUSD today. But still not enough to explain the snowfall 5005, 5006 and 5007 are showing these days.
I will give them until end of next week to make corrections or they will be executed.

And on the good note. Even with the huge moves today. Many of the smaller EA´s performed like they were supposed and made some profit.

Not to forget.. The extra news.
With a new method of scanning for new profitable EA´s, 1099 emerged. On paper this monster outperforms every single EA already running on the charts.
1099 is estimated to trade 50 times per day on average. And if it can keep up the pace it should be earning on average $9,17 on every 0.01 lot risked. (these numbers are insane)
This is being made possible by a whooping ratio of 5,20 : 1 and a 43% win rate. (win rate is properly going to change a lot).

It might turn out that the 1099 can be highly unstable and I will have an eye out for it every minute. Until it has either proved its worth or it is getting shut down before it can blow the account.
Happy green days
Member Since Mar 22, 2016   43 posts
Jun 27, 2023 at 16:07
Just decided that 1099 will get some lower settings in which I have more faith.
Still performs really well and with the new settings it will be making 16,67 trades per day on average and earning $4.16.
If the numbers hold up. It will still push the others down the ranking ladder and sits firmly as the new 2nd place performer.
Happy green days
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