Trading style
Combined technical with fundamental analyze with unorthodox approach. Using self-developed system based on fuzzy logic for predicting market movement.
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Systems by maxulr

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
FuzzyLogic(variation) 161.18% 21.59% 506.3 Mixed 1:500 Real
FuzzyLogic(die einige aus) 131.49% 5.55% 73.5 Mixed 1:500 Real
FuzzyLogic(Agressive test) 111.59% 36.44% 1384.0 Mixed 1:1000 Real
FuzzyLogic (Admiral) 90.68% 9.49% 925.7 Mixed 1:500 Real
FuzzyLogic 1011495.95% 84.40% 4181.5 Mixed 1:500 Real
FuzzyLogic (IC Markets) 78.42% 27.85% 252.3 Mixed 1:500 Real