China GDP Growth Rate YoY

Gross Domestic Product is classified in China into three sectors: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishing comprise the Primary Industry, which accounts for approximately 9% of GDP. The secondary sector accounting for 40% of GDP in the industry and 9% in construction. The Tertiary sector accounts for 44% of total production and includes wholesale and retail trades, transportation, storage, and post, financial intermediation, real estate, hotel, and catering services.

Hodnoty vyššie, ako sa očakáva, by sa mali považovať za pozitívne (býčie) pre CNY a pod očakávané hodnoty by sa mali považovať za negatívne (medvedie) pre CNY.

Kategória:  GDP Annual Growth Rate
Jednotky:  Percent
Dopad: Vysoký
Mena: CNY
Najnovšie vydanie
Predchádzajúce: 5.2%
Konsenzus: 5%
Aktuálne: 5.3%
Ďalšie vydanie
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