Forex Growth Bot

Gain : +2644.71%
Drawdown 94.46%
Pips: 8075.5
Transactions 2881
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:200
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion Forex Growth Bot

Dec 20, 2010 at 23:46
Vues 249,586
3,525 Replies
Membre depuis Nov 17, 2010   posts 5
Jan 15, 2011 at 04:41
EA performed good for me. But Alpari's results where different. I think it might be the broker themselves, they tend to do repetitive requotes at times. Will be trying it out in a couple weeks on Think Forex, one of the recommended Brokers. See what the results are then.
Membre depuis Nov 12, 2010   posts 31
Jan 15, 2011 at 06:09

As far as I know with Alpari you shouldn't be getting any requotes as their demo accounts have the same characteristics as their Pro accounts, which I believe you have to have $25K to start. At their Pro level there are no requotes.


Membre depuis Jan 05, 2011   posts 128
Jan 15, 2011 at 06:15
Hi, I hust bought the EA. Can I run it on mutiple brokers for my accounts from one purchase of the EA ?
Membre depuis Dec 08, 2010   posts 66
Jan 15, 2011 at 19:26
A review of Askobid a proposed broker for growth bot.. any one has used them .. please share your experience.. ?????
Membre depuis Dec 20, 2010   posts 107
Jan 16, 2011 at 15:03
I can't speak for that person, but would you want someone to easily withdraw money from your account and find out it dissappeared? I'm assuming they do thsi to make sure the wrong person doesn't withdraw (fraud) , this can be a huge liability. I'm sure there's more to this story. As we have various people using them and haven't heard complaints thus far.
Membre depuis Dec 22, 2009   posts 47
Jan 17, 2011 at 10:26
pls my mt4 crashes everytime i try to BT
Membre depuis Nov 26, 2010   posts 126
Jan 17, 2011 at 10:40
What is BT?
Membre depuis Dec 22, 2009   posts 47
Jan 17, 2011 at 10:58
Membre depuis May 03, 2010   posts 6
Jan 17, 2011 at 12:20
back to the real questions. Has anyone experience with ActiveTrades or AAAfx as broker?
Membre depuis Dec 22, 2009   posts 47
Jan 17, 2011 at 12:59
how do i stop my mt4 from crashing
Membre depuis Jan 06, 2011   posts 245
Jan 17, 2011 at 13:01

showbaba posted:
    how do i stop my mt4 from crashing

Uninstall and reinstall
Membre depuis Dec 22, 2009   posts 47
Jan 17, 2011 at 13:13

Tradingcompany posted:
showbaba posted:
    how do i stop my mt4 from crashing

Uninstall and reinstall

not working
Membre depuis Jan 06, 2011   posts 245
Jan 17, 2011 at 13:15

showbaba posted:
Tradingcompany posted:
showbaba posted:
    how do i stop my mt4 from crashing

Uninstall and reinstall

not working

Uninstall, then restart ur system, download fresh download then install it
Membre depuis Dec 22, 2009   posts 47
Jan 17, 2011 at 13:16
Membre depuis Jan 06, 2011   posts 245
Jan 17, 2011 at 13:17
U r welcome
Membre depuis Nov 26, 2010   posts 126
Jan 17, 2011 at 19:40

dierente posted:
back to the real questions. Has anyone experience with ActiveTrades or AAAfx as broker?

Yes I have a AAAFX ac used for trading with zulutrade. Its been wiped out. Not their fault, just bad signal providers.

It seems to be OK. They don't trigger stops or do funny stuff like I've seen with other brokers.
Membre depuis Nov 15, 2010   posts 183
Jan 17, 2011 at 21:20
AAA FX is by far they worst broker I have ever used, the slippage in and out of every trade is the worst I have ever seen. Its so blatant that its robbery, and even if the market (price)isnt even moving they will slip you with a time delay and you always get a worse entry.

 I wouldnt even give them a 1 Start rating, after having several accounts at many brokers like Dukascopy, MB Trading, FXCM, FX Solutions, FXDD, GFT, etc, they are at the very bottom of the pile in terms of being a good broker, because they are scam artists, so stay away.

 They will play the same game with any EA or signal provider that you try through Zulu, its a pity that most of these traders dont even know that they are getting ripped off.
Membre depuis May 03, 2010   posts 6
Jan 17, 2011 at 22:36
I have AAA from the zulu time too and I like to change to mig but my questions was going to forex Growth Bot and the experience with ActiveTrades and AAA as broker
Membre depuis Nov 26, 2010   posts 126
Jan 18, 2011 at 00:23
But to be fair if you use Zulutrade the slippage is better than with other brokers. I also had and FXDD (demo) and the time delay on trades has been as much as 45 seconds from time a signal is sent to execution. That might as well be a different trade altogether.

If you're on zulu and the signal provider is sending the signal from an AAAFX account the slippage is minimal. And like I said I don't see them tripping SLs like I saw when I had

If I had to choose between and AAAFX I'd rank AAAFX higher.'s service really sucked also. Took forever for them to wire my money out and I had to jump through hoops to make a withdrawal. They even made an error in the account number when wiring money to me and my bank returned the money back to them. In the end I had to pay 2 wire charges plus changing the money 3 times as it went from USD to SGD back to USD and back to SGD again. I was so pissed off with them. They only apologized and waived the second wire fee. The exchange rate conversion losses amounted to something like 200 USD which they didn't pay.
Membre depuis Nov 15, 2010   posts 183
Jan 18, 2011 at 03:14
Raymond, if you have had brokers like who had higher slippage than AAA FX, then you are missing the boat here, try a true ECN broker like MB Trading or Dukascopy and you will be simply amazed sir!!
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