NickMcDonald kanał

forex_trader_104458 Mar 18, 2013 at 15:05
Would you like to use our services.

My alternative investment is using AI Robots in FX Markets. This Robot is up by 40% since 4 March 2013. It has been travelling at between 2% - 3% per day since then. I am not surprise, neither should you. It is amazing and you can review its performance by visiting the link. Visit - We have other Robots too. Please check out the performances of our other investments by clicking the link: If interested to know more, message me.
Composer Mar 12, 2013 at 22:14
hi nick, i have tried to send you a message but i couldnt find an option. have you deactivated it? regards, composer
Composer Mar 13, 2013 at 18:58
i mean i am not able to send you a message because i dont see any option
NickMcDonald Mar 14, 2013 at 07:18
I'm not sure... but you can always use the "contact us" form on our site.
incometrader Nov 16, 2012 at 13:34
"I am on a journey to achieve financial freedom through trading forex."
That's a good journey - almost as good as the destination! ;-) Financial freedom is my goal too. Do you also put money into other investments - shares, property? What's your plan? Forex is now my growth tank, I plan to put some of the money I earn on FX into blue chip dividend stocks and continue to increase my stake in them until I can live comfortable off the dividends. I've dabbled in property investment - but it can be a right pain... bad tenants, dodgy builders. I love the fact that FX, shares etc don't need maintenance - at least not the physical type!
odee911 May 01, 2015 at 19:32
Hi Nick, how would I go about autotrading VIPERs Systems?
joeypro Jun 18, 2016 at 17:18
Hi Nick ,I folllow viper through his ICmarkets PAMM, he is got a few trades on right now and its like a week before British referendum...Should I be ..worried??