4xlex trader's profile


Nazwa 4xlex

I have 15 years of trading experience. Started to trade Stocks and Options in the Late 90s and began trading Forex a few years ago. Still trying to become a better Trader, but I guess I'm finally making continious Profits after all those years.

Styl handlowy:
Trying to keep it simple. Not using much more than Pivots, Fibs and Trendlines.

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Doświadczenie Ponad 5 lat


Vouchery 0

Zarejestrowany Jan 07, 2013 at 23:41

Zablokowani użytkownicy 0

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Systems by 4xlex

Nazwa Zysk wypłata Pkt Handel Dźwignia finansowa Wprowadzić
4xlex-old 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 Ręczny 1:50 Rzeczywisty
4xlex 252.76% 40.72% 3593.9 Ręczny 1:50 Rzeczywisty

4xlex kanał