MrSpreadBetting trader's profile



Nazwa MrSpreadBetting

Traded on the Fidelity floor for 3 years before moving to a private investment firm in S.A.

Now trade from home as an independent and self financed FX trade.

Have over 14 years experience in the financial markets and have coached over 3,000 people about trading styles, systems, money management and how to adapt to different market situations.

Styl handlowy:
I have a variety of styles.

I trade both intraday and longer term, I also scalp the market when the situation presents itself.

But most of my trading is done via day trading.

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Doświadczenie Ponad 5 lat


Vouchery 0

Zarejestrowany Nov 25, 2010 at 16:43

Zablokowani użytkownicy 0

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Ten użytkownik nie korzysta obecnie z żadnego systemu.

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