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Confidence is very important
Sep 10, 2021 at 07:31
The confident and disciplined mindset plays an extremely important role in traders' success.
Thoughts on FinproTrading
Experienced Traders
Sep 10, 2021 at 07:26
There’s quite a buzz about this broker these days. Checked their website and it seems they are legit. Looking for some genuine reviews so that I can proceed further with them.
Consistency is the brick
Sep 10, 2021 at 05:57
I strongly believe in this quote when it comes to forex trading. “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”
Beginners Greed
Sep 10, 2021 at 05:52
Greed is what backfires on you and makes things worse in forex trading.
There is no way to take revenge
Sep 10, 2021 at 05:50
Exactly!This is something which traders should try to control as revenge trading is not beneficial in the longer run.
Not gambling
Sep 09, 2021 at 07:02
Forex trading looks like gambling but it is not. It is a real business. In a gambling, we don’t know what we are doing but in business, we understand properly that what we are doing. Gambling follows luck but business follows practice and experience.
Trading time is very important
Sep 09, 2021 at 07:01
I believe, the European session is by far the best as most global trade occurs in that time zone. It is also an overlap session with the US East coast. Liquidity is strong and all European indices are usually active.
Forex your second source of income
Sep 09, 2021 at 06:54
Agreed buddy!Forex is a great option for making money but it's not for those who have no understanding of the market, are fearful of volatility and allow emotions fuel their decisions.
A Rookie
New Traders
Mar 03, 2020 at 07:32
Yeah that's the most challenging thing for them. And if someone is able to control his emotions at an early stage, then he must not worry about his future as a trader.
Best trade
Sep 12, 2019 at 05:11
For me, the best trade was when i made ten consecutive profits in a day. Well i don’t know if that is best for others or not, but it was the best one for me. Also, i would like to add that there there no best way to do things. Coz what’s best for you may not be the best for others. what’s best for you today might not be best for you on some other day.
Forex Tips
New Traders
Aug 09, 2019 at 06:44
I agree . Forex trading is not a get rich quick scheme . Getting a hang of it takes time. In fact years to be true. One has to constantly observe the markets trends , price moves , current economic situations which have an impact on the forex currency pairs and affects their prices. We can only learn slowly and steadily through experience, constant knowledge gathering and from our mistakes . Emotions have no place in forex . If we make decisions affected y emotions we are sure to lose this game . Discipline , mental toughness , adaptability , inquisitiveness , patient , independence are all th...
Need help for be a good trader
New Traders
Aug 06, 2019 at 07:19
Hey natalie , its wonderful to see how keen you are in learning trading. You can start with the following :Read some books on trading such as market wizards and intelligent investor. Keep yourself updated with the news and markets. Go through magazines and newspapers regularly related to trading. Visit websites that provide a full course on learning trading and forex such as babypips and others.Once you get a hang of it , practice on a DEMO account for as long as you want until you are ready to trade on a real account. Hope this helps!
What Are Your Golden Rules?
New Traders
Aug 05, 2019 at 07:00
My golden rule is to trade without emotions and greed.
100% profitable trades, just do it))
Experienced Traders
Aug 03, 2019 at 06:17
I would like to disagree because mathematically , a probability is never 100 % . Since it is a probability and not a sure event it will always be less than 100 %. Similar is the case in trading . Trading with a 100 % probability is something hard to achieve. Stocks may go up and down due to a lot of reasons which may occur all of a sudden. However , one can increase the possibility of a successful trade if he manages it right. So an accuracy of 90% may be possible but i think 100% is hard to achieve given the unpredictable nature of stock markets.
Getting so much confused with the terms. Please, help.
New Traders
Aug 02, 2019 at 07:00
Forex trading is not a get rich quick scheme . Learning to trade in forex takes time. A lot of time. Forex markets are highly volatile , so one must have a good hang of it before they actually start trading forex. What you need to do is stay calm and learn each day. Read books , articles in magazines or newspapers. Familiarise yourself with the trading terminology . Look for tutorials on youtube and follow websites which provide meaningful information on forex trading like babypips. Once you are done with the understanding part , you can open a demo account to have a practical understanding ...
How many pips a day ?
New Traders
Aug 01, 2019 at 06:48
While there can’t be an exact answer to this question as trading X amount of pips each day is unrealistic since markets do not move in a predictable manner . This question is relative to every trader and his strategy . Setting up a target of making X pips a day is a really difficult thing to do. Such a daily target shall be ineffective as it encourages more trading when strategy is ineffective and vise versa. Also , number of pips per pay will depend on a trader’s strategy and his goals.
Forex Courses
New Traders
Jul 31, 2019 at 06:52
Indeed you do not have to necessarily resort to heavily paid courses in order to get good hold of forex trading strategies. Wasting money unnecessarily on paid sources when equally good non paid sources are available makes no point. Some non paid sources you can refer to are :Articles on trading strategies/tips in newspapersBooks on forex trading like the intelligent investor, the black book of forex trading etc. Online websites Magazines on forex trading .
Successful trading
New Traders
Jul 30, 2019 at 06:29
There is no single formula for becoming successful in trading. Success takes time be it any sphere of life. Similarly becoming successful in trading calls for a lot of patience, skill , knowledge base, inquisitiveness and discipline . All you can do is go step by step , analyse each and every trading related thing and balance your profit risk ratio.
Time and pracrtice.
New Traders
Jul 29, 2019 at 09:29
One cannot standardize the amount of time and practice one should put in for trading . Trading is not something you can learn within a stipulated time frame . Its benefits can only be reaped with limitless practice . Every trade adds to a traders knowledge and experience and helps him to do better in future. So forget about time and practice and observe as much as you can to be a successful trader.
Bitcoin future?
Jul 29, 2019 at 09:28
While the future of bitcoin has been much debatable ,its difficult to predict its future owing to its highly volatile nature since 2013 .However , i believe that bitcoin will continue to rise in future irrespective of other cryptocurrencies in market.
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