XAUEUR インジケーター

1分 5分間 15分間 30分間 1時間 4時間 1日 1週間 1ヶ月
Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Accumulation Distribution (AD) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 98.98131 -272.0 1527.57187 -406.74823 11560.02607
Accumulation Distribution Oscillator (ADO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.33477 129.19854 2661.85615 -9600.98667 18321.87485
Aroon Oscillator (AROONOSC) -100.0 -100.0 -50.0 100.0 -64.28571 21.42857 -64.28571 28.57143 -85.71429
Average Directional Index (ADI) 18.89431 23.39143 51.79818 27.66505 37.17939 19.25803 21.44485 18.42124 26.38356
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) 17.84261 23.35276 23.33327 27.26881 68.34624 27.12867 28.5451 15.71458 37.48861
Average Price (AVGPRICE) 2195.025 2187.55 2172.7875 2223.4875 2195.4125 2179.575 2106.5125 1726.1525 1533.6625
Average True Range (ATR) 0.28571 2.34286 3.075 5.12857 5.03571 12.01857 45.42286 52.43929 103.20786
Balance of Power (BOP) -1.0 1.0 0.14815 -0.78571 0.91589 -0.91429 0.6896 -0.46098 -0.37382
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) -59.375 -17.64706 -17.89474 58.10147 7.74103 -4.00825 -50.0021 4.39603 -36.45337
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) -92.77108 -61.25654 -269.76608 135.06154 -143.95839 -76.16656 -98.81384 104.77059 -14.64741
Directional Movement Index (DX) 51.32159 56.69156 60.72125 30.27857 11.47647 8.96136 35.80135 20.81029 42.13115
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) 2194.99618 2187.54167 2176.57138 2222.10101 2197.62648 2185.64856 2125.04944 1696.49594 1458.12861
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) 2195.67857 2189.275 2177.925 2214.28214 2200.20429 2190.24643 2175.88714 1695.63571 1538.46714
HT_DCPERIOD 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.5938
HT_DCPHASE -36.67587 15.47524 132.4303 187.22673 31.80467 175.3635 276.91269 37.15533 -
HT_TRENDLINE 2196.09402 2192.02799 2177.80373 2203.47871 2205.28549 2189.11837 2185.45142 1711.71595 -
HT_TRENDMODE 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 -
Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) 2195.30203 2186.92583 2176.63723 2221.38132 2197.84877 2178.34646 2118.6693 1709.58494 1445.73239
LINEARREG 2194.8 2187.81571 2176.72714 2219.84571 2199.60343 2187.06514 2106.14914 1701.73971 1452.96229
LINEARREG_ANGLE -7.69772 -12.65341 -10.44164 40.56135 -5.28139 -26.07845 -84.67507 43.20044 -85.65279
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT 2196.55714 2190.73429 2179.12286 2208.71857 2200.80514 2193.42771 2245.62514 1689.53171 1623.972
LINEARREG_SLOPE -0.13516 -0.22451 -0.18429 0.85593 -0.09244 -0.48943 -10.72892 0.93908 -13.15459
MEDPRICE 2195.025 2187.55 2172.725 2223.45 2195.525 2179.65 2107.45 1720.525 1521.0
MIDPOINT 2195.8 2189.4 2176.575 2214.95 2200.375 2190.315 2177.1 1694.8 1568.83
MIDPRICE 2195.975 2189.175 2176.275 2215.625 2199.925 2189.645 2188.55 1699.825 1589.475
MINUS_DI 65.36632 31.70618 29.21946 14.24923 14.89396 22.09112 23.45819 11.52864 22.67898
MINUS_DM 2.6 7.8 12.6 10.3 10.3 29.39 148.9 75.25 202.97
Momentum (MOM) -1.5 -0.2 -2.9 7.6 -5.45 -16.29 -103.5 9.06 -34.2
Money Flow Index (MFI) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.13147 13.08528 25.17383 43.588 26.57915
Moving Average (MA) 2195.67857 2189.275 2177.925 2214.28214 2200.20429 2190.24643 2175.88714 1695.63571 1538.46714
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) -0.31962 -2.07626 -1.90335 8.54492 -5.18946 -4.97072 -9.07366 -22.81868 -76.66672
OBV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 119.0 272.0 2657.0 13864.0 51082.0
PLUS_DI 21.02759 8.76337 7.14096 26.62552 18.75576 18.45742 11.08961 17.58787 9.23377
PLUS_DM 0.85 2.9 2.1 18.55 11.5 31.06 62.3 128.85 133.03
ROCR100 99.91351 99.8905 99.84378 100.80561 100.1002 99.87526 94.67129 100.79475 87.52001
Rate of Change (ROC) -0.08649 -0.1095 -0.15622 0.80561 0.1002 -0.12474 -5.32871 0.79475 -12.47999
Rate of Change Percentage (ROCP) -0.00086 -0.00109 -0.00156 0.00806 0.001 -0.00125 -0.05329 0.00795 -0.1248
Rate of Change Ratio (ROCR) 0.99914 0.99891 0.99844 1.00806 1.001 0.99875 0.94671 1.00795 0.8752
Relative Strength Index (RSI) 20.3125 41.17647 41.05263 79.05074 53.87051 47.99587 24.99895 52.19802 31.77331
SUM 30739.5 30649.85 30490.95 30999.95 30802.86 30663.45 30462.42 23738.9 21538.54
Standard Deviation (SD) 0.59483 1.37318 1.88403 4.47623 2.36835 10.9454 45.30422 20.78276 65.53674
Stochastic (STOCH) 38.88889 51.34238 45.64612 80.29633 35.00648 15.84599 33.79453 44.9951 40.83606
Stochastic Fast (STOCHF) 0.0 89.41176 13.74046 58.42697 43.17181 25.50607 43.64407 68.75437 77.10296
Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) 16.88451 100.0 0.0 76.52483 45.20874 0.0 13.07854 100.0 100.0
Stop and Reverse (SAR) 2195.4 2185.65 2176.75 2218.35 2200.3 2174.75 2124.1 1746.6 1419.54
TRIX -0.00030 -0.00378 -0.01519 0.02139 -0.02799 -0.07878 0.04276 -0.17971 -0.78271
Time Series Forecast (TSF) 2194.66484 2187.59121 2176.54286 2220.70165 2199.51099 2186.57571 2095.42022 1702.67879 1439.80769
Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA) 2195.59018 2188.91518 2178.53839 2213.16071 2200.66018 2195.18357 2176.11036 1692.79036 1529.05357
Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) 2195.96573 2190.21982 2177.48022 2209.50241 2201.29575 2187.9264 2193.50278 1692.03985 -
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) 2194.98555 2188.0903 2175.91659 2221.93415 2198.05967 2181.57053 2115.98804 1701.67693 1466.07482
True Range (TRANGE) 0.55 3.8 4.7 6.3 5.35 3.5 32.7 52.15 124.91
Typical Price (TYPPRICE) 2194.96667 2188.18333 2172.8 2222.65 2196.26667 2179.06667 2110.58333 1720.27 1524.18333
Ultimate Oscillator (ULTOSC) 9.95116 83.72196 31.7295 24.72702 80.76676 16.34971 74.54012 49.75899 61.75577
Variance 0.35383 1.88562 3.54955 20.03665 5.6091 119.80188 2052.47272 431.92317 4295.06426
Weighted Close Price (WCLPRICE) 2194.9375 2188.5 2172.8375 2222.25 2196.6375 2178.775 2112.15 1720.1425 1525.775
Weighted Moving Average (WMA) 2195.38571 2188.78857 2177.52571 2216.13667 2200.004 2189.186 2152.64114 1697.67038 1509.96552
Williams Percent Range (WILLR) -100.0 -46.09929 -89.34911 -25.28474 -65.37102 -80.65779 -86.7881 -31.07736 -66.58691


XAUEUR 通貨 - リアルタイムでのXAUEUR通貨のチャートとパフォーマンス。

XAUEUR 過去のデータ - 日付範囲と時間枠から選べる履歴XAUEURデータ。

XAUEUR ボラティリティ - XAUEURリアルタイムでの通貨ボラティリティ分析。

XAUEUR 相関 - XAUEURリアルタイムでの通貨相関関係分析。

XAUEUR パターン - XAUEURリアルタイムの価格パターン。